DivideByZeroException e) // 捕获除以0的异常 { Debug.Log(string.Format("Exception caught: {0}", e)); } finally // 不管是否异常,都会执行 { Debug.Log(string.Format("Result: {0}", result)); } // 输出结果 // Exception caught: System.DivideByZeroException: Attempted to divide by zero...
EditorUserBuildSettings.explicitDivideByZeroChecks public static bool explicitDivideByZeroChecks ; 描述 是否主动验证除以零?除以零将触发运行时异常。 Did you find this page useful? Please give it a rating: Report a problem on this page版权所有 © 2021 Unity Technologies. Publication 2021.2 教程 ...
モンキーテストとは、機器やソフトウェア、システムのテスト手法の一つで、対象箇所や操作手順などを事前に定めず、実施者がその場の思いつきで操作してみる方式。開発者の意図などを一切考慮しないことを「猿に使わせてみたらどうなるか」に例えた名称である。 http://e-words.jp/w/モンキ...
Hitler attempted to justify his initial invasions of neighboring countries on the grounds that these German-speaking peoples were inherently part of the German nation; and, as Hutton (1999) has shown, his policies of oppression and ultimately extermination of the Jews were underpinned by the argumen...
to a Vector4 , as Unity will automatically fit them in the right way, leaving the last coordinate set to zero. However, you cannot assign a Vector3[] to a Vector4[] . The second consideration that you have to keep in mind it involves some poor design choices made by Unity. It seems...
// Exception caught: System.DivideByZeroException: Attempted to divide by zero. // at ... // Result: 0 用户自定义异常类型 用户自定义的异常类是派生自ApplicationException类 // 自定义异常 public class TempIsZeroException : ApplicationException { public...
EditorUserBuildSettings.explicitDivideByZeroChecks public static bool explicitDivideByZeroChecks ; Description Are divide by zero's actively checked? Copyright © 2018 Unity Technologies. Publication 2017.4 TutorialsCommunity AnswersKnowledge BaseForumsAsset Store我们...