Every assetmoderated by Unity 1/25 OverviewPackage ContentReleasesReviewsPublisher infoAsset Quality This package includes awesome platform-style game assets in 2D and 2.5D (isometric) for free. Description This package includes awesome platform-style game assets in 2D and 2.5D (isometric) for free....
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Every assetmoderated by Unity Home 2D Environments [FREE] 2D Hand Painted 1/10 OverviewPackage ContentReleasesReviewsPublisher infoAsset Quality The 2D Hand Painted packs are the perfect choice for 4K platformers, shooters, and side-scrolling endless runners. It contains a bunch of hand-painted spr...
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添加好之后,我们会发现在创建灯光的选项中新增了2D选项,但是都是置灰的。 此时我们需要设置下URP,首先我们在Project面板右键Create一个Pipeline Asset(取名为:URPAsset)和一个2D Renderer(取名为:2DRendererData) 选中LWRPAsset,将其Renderer Type改为Custom,并将我们生成的2DRendererData拖上去。
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