Unity报错“Assertion failed on expression: ‘m_ErrorCode == MDB_MAP_RESIZED || !HasAbortingErrors()’”是怎么回事? 解决办法: 原因:Unity许可证到期 更新许可证,重新启动即可。发布于 2022-02-15 17:14 推荐阅读 浅析Unity6 GPU Resident Drawer(上) 清盐 Unity通用渲染管线(URP)系列(一)——自定义渲...
0x1 解决 把FIle > Build Settings > Player Settings > Other Settings > Configuration > Scripting Runtime Version 从 .Net3.5 改到 .Net4.6, 然后重启Unity发现没有报错了 接着再来一次改回 .Net3.5, 重启, 还是没有继续报错 √ 神奇 仅供参考, 因为不确定是否大家出的问题一样~ 0x2 源 方法来自"BILG...
1-開機時,系統更新了 2-打開UNITY-HUB時,顯示PERSONAL LICENSE沒有啟動 3-啟動了PERSONAL LICENSE之後,打開已有PROJECT,報出下面的報錯 4-報錯可清除,不影響EXPORT遊戲 5-重開PROJECT,報錯仍有 6-打開全新PROJECT,也有報錯 7-重啟電腦,沒有報錯了 以上
闪退前会提示:Assertion failed on expression: 'MecanimDataWasBuilt()' 打开Editor的Log,里面记录了断言的位置和闪退时的堆栈 : (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/Runtime/Animation/AnimationClip.cpp Line: 1733) Crash!!! === OUTPUTING STACK TRACE === 0x00000001418D3DBF (Unity) mecanim::statemac...
At first I believed this was a shader error however there are already objects with TrailRenderers in the game that are not affected by whatever’s causing the assertion failure, and they use the same shaders as LineRenderers and TrailRenderers that are affected by this err...
进入Unity工程后只有菜单,别的地方都是白色,还有一堆报错"Assertion Failed: assertion failed on expression 'succeeded (hr)'". 国内的帖子都看了一圈,问题没有解决。还是国外大佬牛逼 目测Acer是个大坑,还有Intel显卡,原贴: https://forum.unity.com/threads/unity-not-working-with-dedicated-gpu-after-windows...
问:使用粒子系统时出现Invalid AABBa,Assertion failed on expression:等报错 答:这是因为组合使用粒子...
Assertion failed on expression: 'IsNormalized' on GUIUtility:ProcessEvent when the Directional Light is positioned particularly -- - Jun 01, 2022 Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached 'IsNormalized' project 2. Open the 'IsNormalizedBug' Scene 3....
Assertion failed UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent (int,intptr)Collaborator EugeneVasiliev commented Apr 7, 2021 This is a Unity system issue. Try making Reimport all or using a different version of Unity. This may be useful: (forum.unity.com) UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent(Int32, IntPtr...