所有UIElement 的基本构建块是 VisualElement。所有元素都是 VisualElement 或 VisualElement 的子类,从而使 UI 层次结构成为彼此互为父级的 VisualElement 的集合。 每个编辑器窗口都有一个 rootVisualElement 属性,它代表层次结构的顶部元素。根必须添加一个 VisualElement 作为子元素,以便 Unity 能够了解并绘制它。
public void Add (UIElements.VisualElement child); 描述 向此元素的 contentContainer 添加一个元素 Did you find this page useful? Please give it a rating: Report a problem on this page版权所有 © 2020 Unity Technologies. Publication 2019.4 教程社区答案知识库论坛Asset Store商标和使用条款法律条款...
enabledSelf 如果VisualElement 是本地启用,则返回 true。 experimental 返回UIElements 实验性接口。 generateVisualContent 在需要(重新)生成 VisualElement 可视内容时调用。 hierarchy 访问此元素物理层级视图 pickingMode 确定在 mouseEvents 或 IPanel.Pick 查询期间是否可以选取此元素。 resolvedStyle 返回VisualElemen...
[?1]:原文:Try to bake things as much as you can. For example, don’t use a blended GameObject just to change the hue to an element, do this via material properties instead. Also, don’t create game objects acting like folders and having no other purpose than organizing your Scenes. ...
using System;using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;using System.Threading;using UnityEngine.Bindings;using UnityEngine.Scripting;namespace UnityEngine{/// /// <para>Element that can be used for screen rendering.</para>/// [NativeHeader("Runtime/UI/Canvas.h"),NativeHeader("Runtime/UI/UIStructs....
public static void AddDoubleClickButton( MenuCommand menuCommand ) { GameObject dcButton = DefaultControls.CreateButton(GetStandardResources()); PlaceUIElementRoot(dcButton,menuCommand); dcButton.name = "DoubleClickButton"; dcButton.transform.FindChild("Text").GetComponent<Text>().text = "双击按钮";...
1.Event Camera:处理UI事件(Click、Drag)的Camera,所设定的Camera才能触发事件 参考资料 Unity – Manual: Canvas http://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/class-Canvas.html Unity UGUI 原理篇(二):Canvas Scaler 缩放核心 目标 1.了解各种不同 UI Scale Mode ...
reordering via drag handles to the left of element content. You can use [NonReorderable] attribute on a script array or list variable to disable this. When reordering is disabled, the Inspector shows arrays or lists with a simple UI control that has an array size followed by array elements....
UI Toolkit元素中介绍了 Label、Button、TextField、Toggle、Radio Button、Slider、Progress Bar、Dropdown、Foldout 等元素,UI Toolkit样式选择器中介绍了简单选择器、复杂选择器、伪类选择器等样式选择器,本文将介绍 UI Toolkit 中的容器,主要包含 VisualElement、ScrollView、ListView、GroupBox 等,官方介绍详见→UXML ...
Positioning the UI element A UI Element is normally positioned using its Rect Transform. If the UI Element is a child of a Layout Group it will be automatically positioned and the positioning step can be skipped. When positioning a Rect Transform it’s useful to first determine it has or sh...