Units of dynamic viscosityDecaneParaffinSolubilityTetracosaneWaxCloud-point temperatures of n-tetracosane (nC24) dissolved in n-decane (nC10) were measured for tetracosane contents ranging from 2.9 wt.% to 20 wt.%, by the standard ASTM cloud-point test method, at atmospheric pressure. Based ...
The dimensions ofdynamic viscosityareforce× time ÷ area. The unit of viscosity, accordingly, isnewton-second per squaremetre, which is usually expressed aspascal-second inSIunits. Britannica Quiz Physics and Natural Law The viscosity of liquids decreases rapidly with anincreaseintemperature, and th...
dynamic viscosity electric charge electric conductance electric resistance energy force frequency inductance mass flow rate mole flow rate power pressure speed surface tension torque voltage volume volume flow rate amount-of-substance concentration computer data storage ...
Kinematic viscosity ...square meter per secondm2/sM2/ceκM2/C Dynamic viscosity ...pascal-secondPa·secIIu·ceκΠa·C Work, energy, quantity of heat ...jouleJ∂Mдж Power ...wattWBMBT Quantity of electricity ...coulombCκКA Voltage, electromotive force ...voltVBB...
bit- basic unit of information Dimensionless alpha- fine-structure constant g_e- electron g-factor g_p- proton g-factor Dose Equivalent Sv- sievert (SI) Dynamic Viscosity P- poise reyn- reynolds Electric Charge C- coulomb (SI) Fr- franklin ...
You can view more details on each measurement unit: slugs per foot-second or millipoise The SI derived unit for dynamic viscosity is the pascal second. 1 pascal second is equal to 0.020885434224573 slugs per foot-second, or 10000 millipoise. Note that rounding errors may occur, so always ...
(2), radiation - exposure (2), radiation - source activity (3), specific heat (5), speed / velocity (14), temperature (7), thermal conductivity (8), time (20), torque (6), viscosity - dynamic (9), viscosity - kinematic (4), volume (71), volume - dry (7), weight / mass ...
- Area - Bits - Density - Electric Current - Energy - Flow - Force - Illuminance / Luminous Emittance - Length - Luminous Intensity - Mass - Power - Pressure - Speed - Temperature - Time - Torque - Viscosity - Dynamic - Viscosity - Kinematic ...
- Angle - Area - Bits - Density - Electric Current - Energy - Flow - Force - Illuminance / Luminous Emittance - Length - Luminous Intensity - Mass - Power - Pressure - Speed - Temperature - Time - Torque - Viscosity - Dynamic - Viscosity - Kinematic - Volume more What...
(cm2/s) 1 feet 2/ seconds (ft2/s), =9.29030 * 10-2 meters, 2/ seconds (m2/s) 1 cSt, =10-6 meters 2/ seconds (m2/s) =1 mm 2/ seconds (mm2/s) Dynamic viscosity conversion The dynamic viscosity of 1 poise (P) = 0.1 pa - seconds (Pa - s) 1 CPS (cP) =10-3 pa ...