sextans (one sixth of a sextarius) to vine bottle 0.1171 sextans (one sixth of a sextarius) to vodka bottle 0.1464 sextans (one sixth of a sextarius) to charka 0.7321 sextans (one sixth of a sextarius) to shkalik 1.464 Could not find your unit?
one small (125 ml) glass of wine at 9% is one unit - however a 175ml glass of red or white wine is around 2 units an alcopop (eg Smirnoff Ice, Bacardi Breezer, WKD, Reef) - around 1.5 units one small sherry 1 unit one measure of spirit 1 unit one bottle of vodka 32 units t...
Boggiano said that he was not in favor of the changes because he believes that most landlords aren’t going to be raising people’s rents during the current pandemic. “We should stay away from one- to four-family homes…there’s enough guarantees from the governor and every...
chetvert (quart) to vodka bottle 5 chetvert (quart) to charka 25 chetvert (quart) to shkalik 50 Could not find your unit? Try to search: Other options: Check the list of all supported units Ask your question on our facebook page Hope you have made all your conversions and enjoyed ...