One pint of Brahma lager contains 2.4 units of alcohol. The ABV of draught Brahma is 4.3%. Each 100ml of draught Brahma contains 0.43 units of alcohol.
One pint of Blue Point Toasted lager contains 3.1 units of alcohol. The ABV of draught Blue Point Toasted is 5.5%. Each 100ml of draught Blue Point Toasted contains 0.55 units of alcohol.
the amount of units will vary based on different preparations of beer/lager. Some additional information regarding units of alcohol with respect to different beverages is presented below (2): a pint of ordinary strength lager (Carling Black Label, Fosters) - 2 units a pint of strong lager (St...
This is roughly equivalent to half a pint of beer or lager, a small glass of wine or standard pub measure of spirits.The information will be added to labels as soon as a common format has been agreed between retailers, the Government and other bodies.The Brewers' and Licensed Retailers' ...
there is a real need to be able to assess accurately the unit alcohol content of drinks consumed.3 Healthcare professionals often rely on the common rule (which we cited in our article last year4), that equates 1 unit with 'half a pint of beer, a glass of wine or a standard measure...