Kinematic viscosity conversion to convert stoke, centistoke, millistoke, square meter per second and all other kinematic viscosity units.
Kinematic Viscosity St- stokes newt- newt Luminance asb- apostilb sb- stilb Luminous Efficacy K_cd- luminous efficacy of a defined visible radiation Luminous Flux lm- lumen (SI) Luminous Intensity cd- candela (SI) cp- candlepower Magnetic Field Strength Oe- oersted Magnetic Flux Mx- maxwell W...
Energy Heat Flux Heat Transfer Coefficient Kinematic Viscosity Length Mass Mass Flowrate Molar Flowrate Power Pressure Specific Energy Specific Heat Temperature Thermal Conductivity Volume Volumetric Flowrate We hope the Quick Conversion application increases your productivity and accuracy. 更多 新...
SI Units for PostgreSQL. Contribute to df7cb/postgresql-unit development by creating an account on GitHub.
For some applications thekinematic viscosity is more useful than the absolute, ordynamic, viscosity. Kinematic viscosity is the absolute viscosity of a fluid divided by its massdensity. (Mass density is the mass of a substance divided by its volume.) The dimensions of kinematic viscosity are area...
eFunda: Glossary: Units: Kinematic Viscosity: Square Meter Per Second ... Square Foot Per Second (ft2/s), Square Inch Per Hour (in2/h), Square Inch Per Second (in2/s), Square Meter Per Hour (m2/h), and Stokes (St). ... ...
1 Lubricating greases Technical specification Grease fills in standard Y-bearings, standard Y-bearing units YAR 2-2RF/HV and YAR 2-2RF/VE495 series Y-bearings, Y-bearing units for the food industry Thickener Base oil Colour Temperature range [°C] (continuous operation) Kinematic viscosity [...
On the one hand, the traditional conservation equations can explain the transport mechanisms in such environments, as with their kinematic and convective nature. It is noticeable that the air-conditioning system stirs the flow field and drags it to any open compartment or passage. In realistic ...
dynamic viscosity μ)...1490mPa·s ft 2/s (kinematic viscosity ν)...92,900mm 2/s lb f ·s/ft 2 (dynamic viscosity μ)...47.88026Pa·s ft 3...28.316846L lb/h...
𝜈ν Kinematic viscosity of the fluid m22.s−1−1 𝜌ρ Fluid density kg.m−3−3 𝜏𝑎τa Accumulator thermal time constant s 𝜏𝑒𝑥τex Wave excitation torque N.m 𝜏𝑃𝑇𝑂τPTO Power take-off torque N.m 𝜏𝑟𝑎𝑑τrad Torque due to the radiation wave N...