我们希望听到那些因为拥有联合健康医疗保险优势计划(UnitedHealthcare Medicare advantage plan)而被拒绝医疗护理的患者的心声。2024年10月,美国参议院调查常设小组委员会的一项调查发现,联合健康集团(UnitedHealthcare)在老年人因中风、跌倒和受伤后对急性后护理的覆盖范围进行了大量的拒付。我们想听听您或您所爱之人...
此外,联合健康也一直通过影响政府从健康险市场谋取利益,包括游说政府制定政策,利用政府鼓励更多老年人加入私有化的Medicare Advantage计划,联合健康的一些高管也曾担任过联邦医疗保健方面的要职。 在商保高度发达的美国,联合健康这样的公司通过政府转给私人保险公司运营的Medicare Advantage,确实解决了医保支付压力大的一些问题。
In 2023, the company said it would expand its service area in order to reach 95% of Medicare consumers nationwide and maintain the industry's largest Medicare Advantage footprint – including nearly 2.3 million more people in 314 additional counties with access to a standard MA plan and 145,00...
When it comes to Medicare coverage, it's important to know which coverage is the best fit for you. Learn about Medicare plans offered by UnitedHealthcare.
UnitedHealthcare offers four types of Medicare Advantage (Part C) plans designed to fit a variety of budgets and healthcare needs. Find the right plan for you.
Explore health insurance options including Medicare, Medicaid, individual and family, short term and dental, as well as employer plans.
Medicare Advantage AARP MedicareComplete Plan 1: UnitedHealthCare WashingtonUnitedHealthCare Washington
Learn more about choosing a Medicare plan and shop for AARP Medicare plans available in your area from UnitedHealthcare.
“This is horrifying news and a terrible loss for the business and health care community in Minnesota,”the Democrat wrote. UnitedHealthcare is the largest provider of Medicare Advantage plans in the U.S. and manages health insurance coverage for employers ...
Artificial-intelligence and machine-learning tools are contributors to an increasing amount of care denials for patients with commercial health plans and Medicare Advantage plans, according to the organization’s September report. “Poor...