Future-proof your fundraising through direct messaging by meeting supporters where they already spend time. Monetize your Facebook community while adding a powerful new channel to complement SMS, email, and direct mail.
3. So on balance, not much reason to indulge Kenyatta now the way we did Kibaki in 2007. Unless we can be sure that the Kenyattas have a deal with Ruto to assure no major violence, why would we signal that we would be willing to look the other way if they steal it for Raila?
Whatever its failures, Kamala Harris’s campaign had one clear success: Fundraising. Not only did she raise a record amount — more than $1 billion, which was two and a half times the amount Donald Trump raised — she also inspired an extraordinary amount of outside spending from political ...
we have the very tail end of the Cold War, with Kissinger pushed into resigning by early 1989 by the non-attendance policy, just a few months before the fall of the Berlin Wall. We don’t know one way or the other what Kissinger’s role might have been in regard to ...
Since joining Liz Page Associates in 2001, Amanda has specialized in turning big ideas into detailed road maps that take clients from their vision to reality. She guides event design and fundraising strategy by partnering with corporate and nonprofit clients. Amanda began her career in Development ...
Red Velocity can deliver gorgeous and graceful bird’s-eye cinematography for your video. We’ve used drone video for corporations, higher education institutions, nature preserves, nonprofits and more. Ask us how we can take your video to the next level with drones. ...