United Structural Systems Ltd., Inc is here to address your foundation issues and restore structural integrity to your property. Call for an estimate.
Industrial and Management Systems Engineering, West Virginia University, 1306 Evansdale Drive, 321 Engineering Sciences Bldg, Morgantown, WV, 26506, USA Yeganeh Shahsavar & Avishek Choudhury Department of Health & Rehabilitation Sciences, College of Public Health, Temple University, 1700 N. Broad St....
Northwest Pipe Company is the largest manufacturer of engineered steel pipe water systems in North America. Founded in 1966, we take great pride in providing the highest quality products to the most exacting and challenging specifications for a multitude of applications. Headquartered in Vancouver, WA...
(TrinkwV2001), UBA has published evaluation criteria documents for plastics and other organic materials that come into contact with drinking water, known as KTW-BWGL. This applies to products such as plastics, organic coatings, and lubricants that come into contact with drinking water. As of ...
Forecasting, structural time series models and the Kalman filter. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 1989. 19. Harvey A, Koopman SJ. Messy time series: a unified approach. In: Fomby TB, Hill RC, editors. Advances in econometrics: messy data—missing observations, outliers, and mixed-...
The concept of ecological integrity has been applied widely to management of aquatic systems, but still is considered by many to be too vague and difficult
As of November 12, 2020, the mortality to incidence ratio (MIR) of COVID-19 was 5.8% in the US. A longitudinal model-based clustering system on the disease trajectories over time was used to identify “vulnerable” clusters of counties that would benefit
Despite these structural limitations to healthcare access, general health (i.e., overall health and health unrelated to gender affirming care) is considered one of the least researched aspects of transgender health [5, 6]. Access to healthcare We conceptualized healthcare access consistent with ...
Among males aged 30–34 and 50–54, HIV/AIDS and homicide, two causes of death with strong behavioral and socio-structural risk factors, exhibit the greatest inequality. The high ID values are a product of exceptionally high death rates from these causes in large central metropolitan areas. La...
(e.g., structural, financial, personal, or cultural) can act as barriers. Utilization of healthcare is characterized by frequency and continuity of care (i.e., regular use of healthcare services), the type of provider (primary), the setting (location in which services are used), and the...