2. To obtain a correct idea of the law relating to this officer, it is proper to consider; 1. His election. 2. The duration of his office. 3. His duties. 3.-1. He is to be elected in the manner pointed out under the article President of the United States. (q.v.) See, also...
Certainly, the responsibility most on the mind of vice presidents is that under the order ofpresidential succession, they are required to take over the duties of the president of the United States at any time the president becomes, for any reason, unable to serve, including death, resignation,...
In New Jersey, a Senior Vice President of Operations earns $351,101 per year. Change City How much does salary of Senior Vice President of Operations vary from city to city? Salaries in the United States can vary greatly between cities due to factors likecost of living, local economies, an...
President of the United States The Powers of the President By: Julie Davis The President of the United States‚ the chief executive officer of the federal government‚ the leader of the executive branch‚ and the commander in chief of the armed forces has certain constitutional powers. How...
The primary duty of the president of the United States is to make sure that all U.S. laws are carried out and that thefederal governmentruns effectively. The president may not introduce new legislation—that's one of the duties of Congress—but they do wield veto power over bills approved...
Edward Savey holds a Bachelor's degree in Political Science from the University of Georgia and a Master's degree in Public Administration with a focus on constitutional law from Georgetown University. He launched constitutionUS.com as its editor, striving to make complex constitutional topics accessib...
The Presidency Set many precedents for future Presidents Added “So help me God.” to oath of Office Chose how President would be addressed One option: “His High Mightiness, the President of the United States and Protector of their Liberties” Decided on “Mr. President” Established the Cabin...
The coterminous states (within the USA’s pre-1959 borders) have an area of 7.8 million sq km and a population of 202 million (1970 census). They border Canada on the north, Mexico on the south, the Pacific Ocean on the west, the Atlantic Ocean on the east, and the Gulf of Mexico...
The VCSAF may also perform other duties that the CSAF assigns to him. The VCSAF is appointed by the President of the United States and must be confirmed via majority vote by the Senate. By statute, the VCSAF is appointed as a four-star general. The current Vice Chief of Staff is ...
Congress of the United States The federal legislature of the USA, Congress is a bicameral body, provided for by Article 1 of the US constitution. The House of Representatives, whose members serve a two‐year term, originates all revenue bills (i.e. federal taxes and duties), can initiate...