The Long Depression was, by a large margin, the longest-lasting recession in U.S. history. It began in the U.S. with the Panic of 1873, and lasted for over five years. This depression was the largest in a series of recessions at the turn of the 20th century, which proved to be ...
California has a $3 billion budget shortfall this year; New York is looking at a whopping $47 billion deficit over the next four years. The National Conference of State Legislatures has even begun appealing for its share of bailout money. So how are states' credit ratings hold-rning up?
A Review of Health Consequences of Recessions Internationally and a Synthesis of the US Response during the Great Recession. the literature on the health consequences of the current and prior recessions focusing on the government response to the recession in the United States. We... Modrek,Sepideh...
The United Kingdom's economy shrank by more than 20% in the second quarter, marking the biggest quarterly drop on record and plunging the country into the worst recession of any major global economy due to the coronavirus pandemic. The U.K.'s Office of National Stat...
However, the prevalence of moderate and advanced periodontitis decreases in adults 80 years of age and older. This is most likely attributed to a combination of a high prevalence of tooth loss and gingival recession in the oldest age cohorts. Attachment loss and destructive periodontitis were ...
1Amidst the second worst recession in United States history, thrifty consumers are turning to the internet to take advantage of special offers. Emily, a California school teacher and full time mother, is one such consumer. It all staned about three months ago when she bought an authentic Coach...
The American economy entered a recession caused by the collapsing real estate market and increasing unemployment. Despite this, the standard of living is considered quite high; life expectancy in the United States has been continually increasing slightly over the past decade, the unemployment rate in...
The United States economy has dipped into economic recession . This caused discomfort and hardship in every level of society; but for many of the nation’s poor, discomfort and hardship turned into misery .An increase in homelessness is probably the wors
alongside nearly 40 public and private two-year and four-year and historically Black colleges and universities (HBCU) that represent 2.5 million students nationwide. Taskforce members are focused on three key goals: ensuring student success despite the worst recession since World War II, partnering ...
Fertility in time of economic crisis : the Great Recession effects on childbearing in the United States This dissertation addresses the effects of the Great Recession on childbearing, focusing in particular on how economic and employment insecurity affects the transition to first birth in the United ...