area code for New York City local phone number within New York CityLong distance example – calling from Los Angeles, United States (on the other side of the country)To call long distance dial the long distance trunk prefix/country code ‘1’, then the area code, then the local phone num...
Phone prefix* +1Phone* Enter your 10-digital phone number (no dashes) Email* Preferred method of contact(Optional) Phone E-mail How can a UBS Financial Advisor help you?(Optional) Legal Note Confirmation* Confirmation* I confirm that I understand the legal note above and have...
Phone prefix* +1Phone* Enter your 10-digital phone number (no dashes) Email* Preferred method of contact(Optional) Phone E-mail How can a UBS Financial Advisor help you?(Optional) Legal Note Confirmation* Confirmation* I confirm that I understand the legal note above and have taken...
How to check if your phone will work in United States? Name T-Mobile CompanyT-Mobile US Country United States Country ISOUS Country code+ 1 Carrier website Carrier codes 310 160 310 200 310 210 310 220 310 230 ...
Recognize and Report Phone FraudOfficial video from the United States Federal Trade Commission Owner Info for 310-217-2692Free Reverse Phone Lookup You have 3 remaining free lookups today. Lookup for Free Get unlimited lookups that include full address, email, relatives, and more for only $...
Name: States Government United Downtown San Diego Post Office 815 E St San Diego, CA 92101 About(619) 232-*** Phone Numbers Landline Near San Diego, California Issued by Pacific Bell Numbers with this prefix were first introduced in 1994. While...
country code for the United Kingdom land-line geographic (area) code for London local phone number within London Local example – calling from another location in London Dial only the local phone number for calls within the same area code. Do not include the trunk prefix ‘0’ or the area...
Dial the international call prefix orcountry calling code. Some countries share calling codes. The United States, Canada, the Caribbean, and Guam use the country code 1. Dial the area code. Some countries do not use area codes while some large countries have hundreds of them. ...
To put it into perspective, take your typical Detroit phone number, 313-NYY-XXXX, and think of it as a physical address. 313 is the area code, representing a small geographical area within Michigan – in this case, Detroit. The next three digits, NYY, make up the prefix code. The pref...
The area code only tells you the phone number owner’s general location, i.e., city or county. The prefix code narrows it down further and shows more specific information about the caller’s location and phone type. Finally, the last set of digits, the line number, is unique to a ...