GDP per capita $68,309 (2021) Currency United States Dollar (USD) The United States of America[1] is a federal and constitutional republic[2] of fifty states, a capitol district, and fifteen territories. It is a prosperous and relatively conservative and Christian nation, based on the se...
United States of America in 16K SUPER ULTRA-HD _ World’s Biggest GDP (60 FPS) -CG_transport 立即播放 打开App,流畅又高清100+个相关视频 更多4 -- 20:15 App Switzerland in 8K ULTRA HD HDR - Heaven of Earth (60 FPS) - YouTube 11 -- 12:15 App DUBAI, United Arab Emirates In 8K ...
The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in the United States was worth 27360.94 billion US dollars in 2023, according to official data from the World Bank. The GDP value of the United States represents 25.95 percent of the world economy. This page provides - Un
美国GDP per Capita: USD: United States 1929 - 2017 | 年 | 美元 | CEIC Data 人均国内生产总值:美元:美国在12-01-2017达59,774.000美元,相较于12-01-2016的57,797.000美元有所增长。人均国内生产总值:美元:美国数据按年更新,12-01-1929至12-01-2017期间平均值为6,725.000美元,共89份观...
It states that president of the country is commander-in-chief of the armed forces and secretary of defense has administrative authority. Its gross domestic product (GDP) is 14.66 trillion dollars and imports worth 1.936 trillion dollars. The U.S. Strategic Command (STRATCOM) controls and ...
6.下图为世界银行于2017年公布的全球2015年各国GDP占比。读图回答下列问题。中国美国United Statesof America14.84%24.32%日本德国5.91%sermany加拿大俄罗斯印度4.54%韩国法国Mexico2.09SAa41.8%2.83%英国3.26%Egyt 0451.86%意大利0.87%0.97%0.53%UnitedKingdom2.46%Niperia 063%1.160.57%3.85%1.01%0.67%sset0.4%0.9%...
美国,美利坚合众国(The United States of America),简称美国,首都华盛顿。位于北美洲中部,北与加拿大接壤,南靠墨西哥,西临太平洋,东濒大西洋。大部分地区属大陆性气候,南部属亚热带气候,地形总体西高东低,自然资源丰富,矿产资源总探明储量居世界首位。总面积937
Country name: conventional long form: United States of America conventional short form: United States abbreviation: United States or USA Government type: Constitution-based federal republic; strong democratic tradition Capital: name: Washington, DC (capital) geographic coordinates: 38 53 N, 77...
Lesson5TheUnitedStatesofAmerica GeographyPopulationHistoryEconomyPoliticsMusic,Sports,Holidays U.S.AintheWorld TopographicMapoftheU.S.A TableofComparisons CountryTheUKTheUSACanadaAustraliaNewZealandSize(Sqk)244,8209,372,6149,984,6707,686,850270,500Population60,943,912(2008)310,871,...
United States of America The United States remains by far the world’s largest military spender, despite a decrease in spending of about 2.5% in 2015. More specifically, the DoD’s budget was reduced to US $560.4 billion; $495.6 billion of which comprise the base discretionary budget –reduce...