今天在美国和平研究所(United States Institute of Peace)参加学术活动,知道了独立外交家组织(Independent Diplomat,简… blog.sina.com.cn|基于119个网页 2. 美国和平研究院 周二中午昂山在美国和平研究院(United States Institute of Peace)发表了来美后的首场演说。她提到:“我们(为赢得民主) … ...
Institute of Peace could bring that experience to bear on the inseparable problems of peace, security and freedom. Outline of the potential program of the Institute; Understanding of the types on non-governmental agencies at work on the full range of war/peace issues; Publicity of activities of...
The United States Institute of Peace (USIP) is anorganizationfocused on international conflict resolution and peacebuilding. It is based in Washington, D.C., and provides analysis, education, and resources to support peace efforts around the world. Read our profile on the United States media and...
Willing to Compromise: Palestinian Public Opinion and the Peace Process United States Institute of Peace, Special Report No. 158. Washington, DC.Shikaki, H. (2006b). Willing to compromise: Palestinian public opinion and the peace process (special report 158). Washington, DC: US Institute of Pe...
And here is former Ambassador and Assistant Secretary of State Johnnie Carson for the United States Institute for Peace: “America’s Vital 21st Century Partnership with Africa—and Kenya’s Key Role”. “A Preview of Kenya’s State Visit” at the Council on Foreign Relations “Africa in Trans...
UNIteD StAteS INStItUte Of PeACe .usip SPeCIAL RePORt contentS Background 2 Oil Issues in Secession Negotiations 5 July 2011: The Beginning of the South Sudan Oil Industry 6 Priorities for Oil and State Building 11 Conclusions 16 2 ing contracts. To overcome the problem of revenue fluctuations,...
The Organization of American States and the United Nations: Relations in the Peace and Security Field. By Aida Luisa Levin. A U.N.I.T.A.R. Regional Study No. 4. Peaceful Settlement No. 7. New York: United Nations Institute for Training a......
Costello’s government does have some success with Ireland becoming a member of the United Nations in 1955, and a highly successful visit to the United States in 1956, which begins the custom by which the Taoiseach visits the White House each Saint Patrick’s Day to present the U.S. ...
Sweden Embassy to United States of America: detailed information on Swede Embassy and Consulates locations, including addresses, e-mails and phone numbers
Ireland Embassy to United States of America: detailed information on Irish Embassy and Consulates locations, including addresses, e-mails and phone numbers