The responsibility of providing the HS code is always that of the shipper, so you’ll need to carry out a harmonised code lookup when you ship. You can find the HS code for your product via your country’s government website, or by using DHL Express’ dedicated Interactive Classifier tool...
The HSG data, obtained from 30 m resolution Soil Survey Geographic Database (SSURGO) database, pro- vides detailed soil information across the United States. It has been collected over a century by the National Cooperative Soil Survey partnership44. It is noteworthy that SSURGO has missing ...
Members of the United States Congress (1789-Present), congressional committees (1973-Present), committee membership (current only), and presidents and vice presidents of the United States in YAML, JSON, and CSV format.OverviewThis project provides the following data files:FileDownloadDescription ...
Code This branch is1 commit ahead of,229 commits behindunitedstates/congress-legislators:main. congress-legislators Members of the United States Congress (1789-Present), congressional committees (1973-Present), committee membership (current only), and presidents and vice presidents of the United State...