In addition to Jamaica's consulate in Chicago, Jamaica has eight other representations in the United States. These representations include an embassy in Washington, D.C. and consulates in Atlanta, Houston, Los Angeles, Miami, New York, Philadelphia and Seattle.The Jamaican consulate is one of 16...
Information concerning the Embassy of Jamaica in London, United Kingdom, Jamaican visa rules, tourist destinations in Jamaica, local weather outlook, public bank holidays and a lot more travel facts for Jamaica are found by checking out the links on this web page. Embassy DetailsTravel Information...
Relations between Jamaica and the United States In addition to Jamaica's consulate in Houston, Jamaica has eight other representations in the United States. These representations include anembassy in Washington, D.C.and consulates inAtlanta,Chicago,Los Angeles,Miami,New York,PhiladelphiaandSeattle. ...
Find contact information for any Embassy or Foreign Consulate in United States of America, including address, email, phone number and hours of operation.
Find contact information for any Embassy or Foreign Consulate in United States of America, including address, email, phone number and hours of operation. Consular Section 020 7828 8897 Fax 020 7828 8869 Defence Attaché’s Office 020 7963 8626 Fax 020 7828 8869 HIS EXELLENCY MR QIRJAKO QIRKO*Ambassador Extraordinary & Pleni... [...] future may lag behind that of our counterparts intheUnited States and Japan,aslong as the Government can provide resources [...] 日後我們的休閒 漁業規模,也許儘管不如美國、日本;但只要政府有策略、有計劃地提 供資源,發展休閒漁農業,將會對業界帶來...
Find contact information for any Embassy or Foreign Consulate in United States of America, including address, email, phone number and hours of operation.
inter alia,theEmbassy of the United States of America,United Nations High Commission for Refugees [...] 申诉人曾向多个机构 和组织求助,特别是美利坚合众国大使馆、联合国难民事务高级专员署和一个妇 女组织,以寻求一个出国途径,因为他们担心有生命危险。
China Embassy and Consulates in USA page lists contacting information of embassy of PRC in Washington DC as well as China consulates in other areas of United States. China embassy and consulates can issue visa to China for American citizens. ♦ Embassy of PRC in the USA, Washington DC ...