School hours in the United States were developed during the 19th century, in part to allow students to help their families with farm work in the afternoon. We are no longer an agrarian(农业化) economy, but most schools still get out around 3 pm.It's time for a change: Schools should ...
With a commitment to respond to this call, we are asking: What could occupational scientists learn about justice and human rights from educational reformers? In response, we argue that the work of some 19th and 20th century educational reformers in Europe, the United Kingdom, and the Americas ...
Throughout the 19th century and into the 20th, citizens of the United States maintained a bias against big cities. Most lived on farms and in small towns and believed cities to be centres of (1) , crime, poverty and moral (2) Their distrust was caused, (3) , by a national ideology ...
In the 19th century United States, cholera was a recurring and terrifying problem. There were three national pandemics in 1832, 1849, and 1866 that took thousands of lives. Cholera "flourished in the great cities, New York, Cincinnati, Chicago; it crossed the continent with the forty-niners; ...
Great Britain, the dominant industrial and maritime power of the 19th century, played a leading role in developing parliamentary democracy and in advancing literature and science. At its zenith, the British Empire stretched over one-fourth of the earth's surface. The first half of the 20th centu...
The independent panel recommended subordinating the investigations division tothe protective division, but this seems like a limited shift in the organizational chart. Congress ought to consider more radical changes, including assigning the Secret Service’s 19th-century mission to someone else in the ...
List of notable or famous chemists from the United States, with bios and photos, including the top chemists born in the United States and even some popular ...
Proudhon went on to predict that "the twentieth century will open the era of federations, or humanity will begin again a purgatory of a thousand years."The ideas of Proudhon and Bakunin spread to the United States. William Greene, a former officer in the Union Army, joined with Ezra ...
The 19th century had been a period of rapid industrial expansion in America. Between 1800 and 1900 the per capita wealth of the country had increased from $200 to $1,200. However, the distribution of this wealth was extremely uneven. A report published in Arena in 1901 revealed that 1 ...
After the Civil War and the end of slavery, the need for both skilled and unskilled labor increased. Union members in the skilled trades remained overwhelmingly native-born White Protestant males throughout the 19th century. These higher-paid workers had the funds to pay union dues and contribute...