GDP by state GDP by metropolitan area International comparison The most important statistics U.S. annual GDP 1990-2023 U.S. chained real GDP 1990-2023 U.S. real GDP growth rate 1990-2023 U.S. real GDP Q2 2013- Q2 2024 U.S. real GDP growth by quarter Q2 2013- Q2 2024 U.S. per...
The U.S. economy is the world’s largest in terms of gross domestic product, and also the most technologically powerful. The country’s significant exports include computers and electrical machinery, vehicles, chemical products, food, live animals and military equipment. The U.S. also has ...
02 State of the nation The federal government of the US is based in Washington DC and each of the 50 states has its own local government. Nationwide federal laws, as well as state ones, apply – and these can vary greatly. Businesses must meet federal, state and local tax obligations. 0...
The outlooks for the two largest economies – China and the United States – are highly complex, and these two key sources of uncertainty could lead to unanticipated, and possibly divergent, implications for the trajectory of the global economy.讲的是中美两国的不确定性。经济前景不是乐观,而是会...
banned the import of unirradiated low-enriched uranium from Russia. This move concluded a lengthy process of legislative and economic preparation in the U.S. to break its dependence on Russian nuclear fuel. But what does this ban mean for the global nuclear market and the U.S. economy?
Home Economy & Politics Economy United States Statistics report on the United States This report presents graphs and tables about the United States. It includes figures on demographics as well as economical data, the state finances and the military. One chapter shows the USA in international ...
Defiant Canadians mark their flag’s anniversary as Trump hopes to make their country a state February 16 Family expresses concern at British couple detained in Iran on security charges February 15 Top diplomats of Britain and China hold talks as part of efforts to rebuild ties February ...
The State of Democracy in the United States: 2022 2023年3月 March 2023 目录 Contents 一、 序言 I.Preamble 二、美国民主沉疴难愈 II. American democracy in chronic ills (一)美国民主颓势持续加重 1. American democracy in f...
Defiant Canadians mark their flag’s anniversary as Trump hopes to make their country a state February 16 Family expresses concern at British couple detained in Iran on security charges February 15 Top diplomats of Britain and China hold talks as part of efforts to rebuild ties February ...
director of any company in New York state, including the Trump Organization, for three years. The ensuing trials in Trump’s three criminal cases were originally scheduled to begin in March and May 2024, at the height of the primary season, making it likely at the time that Trump would nee...