SoilsUnited kingdomThe authors introduce the soil classification system that has been produced by the soil survey staff of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and gives details of the profile descriptions that are used in the main part of the monograph. Details are given of the ...
This classification, to be used in a new inventory of wetlands and deepwater habitats of the United States, is intended to describe ecological taxa, arrange them in a system useful to resource managers, furnish units for mapping, and provide uniformity of concepts and terms. Wetlands are defined...
classification, chemistry, physics, mineralogy, fertility, suitability for different uses and vulnerability to land degradation. United Arab Emirates Keys to Soil Taxonomy presents information for keying out the soils of the United Arab Emirates into separate classes and provides a guide to associated ...
The unified soil classification system : appendix B : characteristics of soil groups pertaining to roads and airfields Report describing various kinds of soils and their characteristics, for use in constructing roads and airfields: "The properties desired in soils for found... WE Station - 《Techn...
5. A. N. Gennadiev, "Spatio Temporal Models of Soil Development," in Evolution and Age of Soils in the Soviet Union (Pushchino, 1986), pp. 67–75 [in Rus sian]. 6. Classification and Diagnostic System of Soils of the Soviet Union (Kolos, Moscow, 1977) [in Russian]. 7. F. I....
(Atterberg limits), AASHTO group classification, Unified Soil Classification System (USCS), percent passing sieves, water retention, bulk density, particle density, porosity, organic carbon, soil mineralogy, clay mineralogy, x-ray fluorescence, thin section study (soil micromorphology) are described in...
Our modeled yield results are consistent with the rated suitability and agronomic characteristics of new and existing croplands. Across the US, new fields were generally less suited to cultivation and presented greater limitations according to the USDA’s land capability classification system (Supplementary...
Using the UN/FAO Fertility Capability Classification System to rank soils, results for the United States show that development appears to be following soil resources, with the better agricultural soils being the most urbanized. Some unique soil types appear to be on the verge of being entirely ...
climate,nature,soilsandoceans.Key extractionandprocessing,manufacturing environmentalimpactsarelinkedtoenergy orfinaldisposal.Ideally,transitioningto useandgreenhousegas(GHG)emissions, amorecirculardigitaleconomywould protectinghabitats,soilandwaterresources helpachieveatleastequivalentlevelsof andreducingairpollutionandwaste...
The future 7.5% decrease of lag time between rainfall and flood events is largely associated with antecedent soil moisture conditions and/or precipitation intensities, as the wetter soils and/or heavier precipitation rates accelerate flood-rise time5,36. Specifically, humid regions with higher soil ...