#unitednude #youinun instagram pinterest facebook tiktok subscribe to our newsletter submit submit "we found ourselves breaking the rules of shoes, not for the sake of breaking them, but simply by not knowing them." –rem d. koolhaas "close (esc)" delta run close search liquid e...
#unitednude #youinun instagram pinterest facebook tiktok subscribe to our newsletter submit submit "we found ourselves breaking the rules of shoes, not for the sake of breaking them, but simply by not knowing them." –rem d. koolhaas "close (esc)" delta run close search liquid error (...
Shop iconic architectural footwear designed by United Nude and barefoot shoes for healthy, injury free movement made by Vivobarefoot.
Therefore, a series of United Nude single product combines elements of architecture and fashion, there are many innovative styles simple details, the beauty of it is building into the shoes of which formed a special charm. Ultra-modern style has become a public editor and star hot pursuit of ...
产地:南京 … 类型:鱼嘴 … 详细材质:牛皮革 … 跟型:异形跟 … 跟高:超高跟(大于7cm) … 适应季节:夏季 … 闭合方式:系带搭扣 … 鞋底材质:橡胶底 … 鞋面材质:真皮 … 品牌名称:UNITED NUDE … 尺码详情 secoo.com TIPS: 1、相同品牌不同款的尺码会具有一些特殊性,仅作为选购参考,请您按照自身实际情况...
UNITED NUDE United Nude是Highline United China集团旗下的独特创意设计女鞋品牌,2003年诞生于英国。时至今日UN 已成为一个设计感与时尚感兼具的指标性品牌。UN由荷兰设计师Rem D Koolhaas及英国设计师Galahad Clark 所始创,其品牌源自于建筑的概念,结合了建筑的力学与设计的美学。颠覆了鞋业界的传统开创了里程碑式...
The production method used is the highest quality of 3D printing (SelectiveLaser Sintering) in a hard Nylon and all-new soft Rubber material. UNITED NUDE have figured out a way to combine harder andsofter 3D printed parts for creating fully functioning shoes. Each shoe will be available as a...
Extreme Lacing I don’t know how “wearable” areIris Van Herpen‘s fantastic outfits yet, but the shoes that she designed in collaboration with United Nude definitely are! When the concept is great, there’s always a way to move ahead, for spectacular & marketable projects. The S/S 2011...
I like United Nude shoes because their price point is very (really, very) reasonable for a high-quality, well-designed pair of shoes. Created by architect Rem D Koolhaas and shoemaker Galahad Clark, their designs can get too conceptual at times, but in their collections you can always find...