Their rulings are considered binding before the eyes of the international community, despite being a supranational organization. There is a sixth organ, the Trusteeship Council, but it no longer has a role. Trusteeship was a system where the U.N. organized territories that weren't self-...
But, unlike the International Monetary Fund and Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the U.N. has very little ability to turn bad ideas into bad policy. Which is why I rarely write about the United Nations. But rarely is not the same as never. I’m going to pontificate ...
United Nations General Assembly, one of the six principal organs of the United Nations (UN) and the only body in which every member of the organization is represented and allowed to vote. The first session of the assembly convened on Jan. 10, 1946, in Lo
Still for many people and also a growing number of ethicists the idea of a supranational organization that carries responsibility for peace and security and global welfare is an appealing idea. The ob...
Because birthrates have plummeted. Many nations already have reached “below-replacement fertility” and others will reach that level in the near future. There’s nothing wrong with lower levels of fertility, of course. Families should be as big or small as people want them to be. ...
Cubic was founded seventy years ago in the United States and is known for its innovation in both the transportation and the defense sector. Cubic is in particular the largest provider of Live Training Systems (LTS) to the North Atlantic Treaty Organizati
The EU, as a regional international organization with strong supranational features, has been faced with the challenges of multilateral diplomacy in a predominantly state-centric global institution. It has so far not only been unable to assume the aspired leadership position, but faces a general ...
The United States of America is a federal constitutional republic located in central North America. Currently the most powerful nation in the world, the USA is one of a handful of nations that remain out of immediate threat from the BETA advance. Neverth
Because theMediterranean, under Roman control, was not only the centre of the Western world but also its principal commercial highway, European maritime law evolved as a uniform, supranational,comprehensivebody of law—a characteristic which, though sometimes threatened by the spread ofnationalism, has...
That should help set the stage for why China and Russia hate the De Rothschild Kingdom and Central Banker friends of the NWO and want to destroy it before it takes over their nations completely as it has ours and most of the rest of the Western world. I cannot blame them because the ...