UNITED Nations. Committee against TortureToday, there does not appear to be a generally agreed legal standard to determine when a return is truly voluntary. Likewise, international law does not define a clear line at which State action to 'incentivize' or 'induce' returns amounts to refoulement...
ReutersFeb. 26, 2025 The US Is Missing Again as G20 Finance Chiefs Meet in South Africa Finance ministers and central bank chiefs from the Group of 20 developed and developing nations have gathered in South Africa for a two-day meeting ...
The ICT was widely criticised internationally – including by the United Nations, foreign governments and human rights organisations – for failing to respect minimum fair trial guarantees and for lacking judicial independence. Mr Mueen-Uddin’s conviction was reported by the media in the UK. The me...
In 1946, United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) was established as an organization to provide relief and assistance to European child refugees that were devastated by World War II. The mandate of UNICEF was to help children and young people whose lives and futures were a...
United Nations General Assembly Resolution 2625, Declaration on Principles of International Law, concerning Friendly Relations and Cooperation among States, adopted on October 24, 1970, states: "No State shall organize, assist, foment, finance, incite or tolerate subversive, terrorist or armed activities...
◆ According to BBC reports, as early as in June 2005, the United Nations had been informed that the US had secretly detained terrorist suspects on its warships. In 2008, the human rights group Reprieve disclosed that the...
(redirected fromUnited Nations Refugee Agency) United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Also called UNHCR. An organization created by the United Nations in 1950 and charged with providing assistance to and protection of persons displaced by a government as the result of a war, persecution or an...
United Nations (UN) Cop28 thrown into crisis as ‘weak’ draft decision text rejected by EU and other countries Minister for Environment Eamon Ryan says all references to phasing out fossil fuels were excised from previous iteration and replaced by vague language...
In Memory of Vladimir Fabry - Slovak Political Refugee and United Nations Lawyer - Who Died September 17-18, 1961, with Dag Hammarskjöld.
United Nations. “Troop and Police Contributors.” https://peacekeeping.un.org/en/troop-and-police-contributors(open in a new window), 2021. (Open in a new window)Google Scholar Uzonyi, Gary. “Refugee Flows and State Contributions to Post-Cold War UN Peacekeeping Missions.” Journal of ...