2022 星期日 5月29日 (日) International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers United Nations Observance 2023 星期一 5月29日 (一) International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers United Nations Observance 2024 星期三 5月29日 (三) International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers United Nations Observance...
International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers is celebrated on May 29, 2025. The "International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers" is "a day to pay tribute ...
United Nations Day is observed annually on October 24. It is the anniversary of the founding of the United Nations in 1945.
Today, the world celebrates the United Nations International Day of Older Persons (UNIDOP) under the theme “Resilience (复原力) of Older Persons in a Changing World”. The number of older persons worldwide is projected to reach more than 1.5 billion in 2050. All regions will see an increase...
THE United Nations-declared International Day of Peace is observed on the 21st of September each year. First celebrated in 1981, it seeks to encourage the global community to endeavor to work for the promotion of peace and the creation of a peaceful global community. Building a Global Common ...
A UN resolution (决议) established the International Day of Peace in 1981 to take place at the sametime as the opening of the UN General Assembly.The first Peace Day was celebrated in 1982 and was held on the third Tuesday of September each year until 2002,when September 21 became the per...
As a meeting place for many different nations, the UN can only act as a mechanism for international consensus. The UN has been unable to act in a clear and decisive way when confronted crises in which this consensus is not present. Recent examples include the Iranian nuclear program and the...
United Nations Day, History, Significance, United Nations or Facts for Prelims, Download PDF. For UPSC Preparation, follow BYJU'S
联合国际学校United Nations International School建于1947年,是一所顶尖的私立走读,男女混校,学校师生比为1:6。联合国际学校(UNIS)UNIS位于曼哈顿,位于联合国以南一英里处,俯瞰东河。是一所学龄前至12年级男女混校,由一群联合国家长于1947年成立,旨在为其子女提供国际教育,同时保护其多样的文化遗产。该校有1400多...
Structure of the United Nations (UN) The UN is made up of five principal bodies: the UN General Assembly, the UN Secretariat, the International Court of Justice, the UN Security Council, and the UN Economic and Social Council. A sixth, the UN Trusteeship Council, has been inactive since ...