The article reports on developments related to the atomic energy. During the fifth general assembly of the Atomic Energy Commission, subject on the international control of atomic energy was brought to their attention. The assembly adopted a resolution proposed by Australia, Canada and the U.S. ...
由第一段“A new United Nations scientific report says that human-caused climate change is greatly reducing land quality worldwide. It warns that the way humans use land is causing the earth's atmosphere to warm faster and could harm food production. The effects of climate change are already ...
DigitalEconomyReport2024 Shapinganenvironmentallysustainableandinclusivedigitalfuture ©2024,UnitedNations Allrightsreservedworldwide RequeststoreproduceexcerptsortophotocopyshouldbeaddressedtotheCopyright ClearanceCenterat. Allotherqueriesonrightsandlicences,includingsubsidiaryrights,shouldbeaddressedto: ...
I n early April, 2022, a United Nations (UN)climate group gave a 3,000-page report on climate change. The report introduces action that must be taken quickly. As one of the report's authors put it, “It's now or never."One of the most striking(引人注目的) parts of the new UN...
The conference concluded with an agreement on plans for finance to mitigate the effects of climate change and help developing nations transition to more sustainable energy sources.[4] Rules and a UN registry were agreed to facilitate and record international trading of carbon credits.[5] 【参考译文...
United NationsThe link between energy, economic development and national security has often made governments reluctant to address energy in global governance. In the United Nations (UN) system and beyond, the result has been almost a normative and institutional vacuum on energy. In the last decade...
United Nations is an international organization that can take action on the issues confronting humanity in the 21st century, such as peace and security, climate change, sustainable development, human rights, disarmament, terrorism, humanitarian and healt
A United Nations report is sounding an alarm on the state of the earth’s natural resources, in advance of this month’s U. N. sponsored sustainable development summit (峰会) in Johannesburg. The report says sea levels rose and forests were destroyed at unprecedented (前所未有的 ) rates dur...
UN talks end in Rome with nations backing $200 billion a year plan to protect nature More News Women’s rights are under attack 30 years after leaders adopted a blueprint for equality, UN says Yesterday More than 200 children were raped in Sudan since the beginning of 2024, UN child...
【题目】The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released a special report on global warming of 1. 5℃ Monday, saying that global warming has alrcady topped one degree Celsius since pre-industrial times.The scientists report that the level of warming will reach 1.5 ...