中文名:联合国开发计划署 英文名:United Nations Development Programme 组织领域:综合性组织 组织性质:政府间 总部:美国-纽约 是否有驻华办事处:是 是否联合国机构或组织:是 成立日期:1965年 官方网站:http://www.undp.org/ 02 职责 联合...
英文名:United Nations Development Programme 组织领域:综合性组织 组织性质:政府间 总部:美国-纽约 是否有驻华办事处:是 是否联合国机构或组织:是 成立日期:1965年 官方网站:http://www.undp.org/ 02 职责 联合国开发计划署为发展中国家提供专业建议、培训及其他支持措施,并日益关注对最不发达国家的援助。为实现...
联合国青年发展项目(UN Youth Development Programme,简称UNYDP)是由联合国训练研究所(UNITAR)携手GBAMUN湾区模联专为中国青年独家定制的线上培训与研究项目。来自不同背景的优秀青年们将在线上走进联合国与日内瓦,进行一场为期10天学习时长共40~45小时的沉浸式教育实训。在此期间,每位项目学员还将匹配有1v1的助教及导...
了解更多. 同意 標註> United Nations Development Programme 【影片】Generation17青年領袖共襄盛舉Galaxy Unpacked 2023 11.08.2023 三星參加2022坎城國際創意節 致力加速實現全球目標 12.07.2022 新聞稿 三星攜手聯合國開發計劃署募集生力軍 熱邀六位青年領袖加入推動全球發展目標行列 04.03.2022 【名家觀點】三星推動...
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), United Nations (UN) organization formed in 1965 to help countries eliminate poverty and achieve sustainable human development, an approach to economic growth that emphasizes improving the quality of life of all citizens while conserving the environment and ...
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), United Nations (UN) organization formed in 1965 to help countries eliminate poverty and achieve sustainable human development, an approach to economic growth that emphasizes improving the quality of life of al
United Nations Development Programmedoi:10.1007/978-1-4020-5614-7_3633UNDP The United Nations Development Programme is the United Nations' global development network providing countries with knowledge, experience, and resources to help people build better lives. It......
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Anti-Corruption and Integrity in the Arab Countries Phase II: Egypt, Morocco and Tunisia Quick facts for this project: Country of implementation: Duration (in years): Funding volume in US-Dollar (million): Registered as: Arab Region including Egypt, ...
翻译 united nations development programme 释义 联合国开发计划署 实用场景例句 全部 By comparison, theUnited Nations Development Programme's annual budget for Somalia is $ 14 m. 相比之下, 联合国发展组为索马里的年预算才1400万美元. 互联网
网络释义 1. 联合国开发计划署 ... World Bank 世界银行 (United Nations Development Programme)联合国开发计划署World Values Survey 世界价值观调 … www.360doc.com|基于343个网页 2. 联合国开发计画署 尽管联合国开发计画署(United Nations Development Programme)将成为最初「筹备阶段」时,3000万美元资金的供应...