6月25日,与会代表一致通过了《联合国宪章》。会议从4月25日开幕到6月25日通过宪章后闭幕,整整持续了两个月。 1945年6月26日,举行联合国宪章签字仪式,中国代表第一个在宪章的中、法、俄、英、西5种联合国正式语言文件上签字。随后是法、苏、英、美4国代表依次签字,然后才是与会的其他45个国家;同年10月24...
United Nations Charter 词条 United Nations Charter 中文 《联合国宪章》 解释 1945年6月26日在旧金山联合国制宪会议上签订,于1945年10月24日开始生效。《宪章》主要内容包括,关于联合国组织的宗旨和原则(第一章)、联合国的会员国(第二章)、联合国六大主要机关的组成、职权和决策程序(第三至十五章)以及有关联合...
联合国宪章nationscharterunited会员国 联合国宪章 CharteroftheUnitedNations 颁布机关:联合国 PromulgatingInstitution: 颁布时间: PromulgatingDate: 06/26/1945 06/26/1945 实施时间: EffectiveDate: 0000 0000 效力状态: ValidityStatus: 有效 Valid 我联合国人民同兹决心欲免后世再遭今代人类两度身历惨不堪言之战...
United Nations, `Charter of the United Nations' [Homepage of United Nations], URL: http://www.un.org/en/documents/charter/intro.shtml [February 13, 2013].United Nations. Charter of the United Nations[OL].http://www.un.org/en/documents/charter/preamble.shtml,....
Today, 24 October, marks the 77th anniversary of the United Nations Day. On this day, we celebrate the entry into force of the United Nations Charter, which took place in 1945. 作为联合国的创始国之一,比利时借此机会重申其对以联合国为核心的高效...
United Nations Charter signed 26 June 1945 Entry into force of Charter 24 October 1945 The United Nations is a globalist organization of countries all over the world, originally created to facilitate cooperation in international law, international security, the 2030 Agenda, economic development, and...
People hoped they could build a future ofworld peace through this new organization.The charter of the United Nations (UN) states thesays formallyfour main goals and purposes of the organization.They are10 1. To work together for international peace and tosolve international problems;2. To ...
内容提示: CHARTEROF THEUNITED NATIONSTABLE OF CONTENTSIntroductory NotePreambleChapter IPurposes and Principles (Articles 1-2)Chapter IIMembership (Articles 3-6)Chapter IIIOrgans (Articles 7-8)Chapter IVThe General Assembly (Articles 9-22)Chapter VThe Security Council (Articles 23-32)Chapter VI...