The following cards are not available to new applicants. Current cardholders can still earn PQP for card spend: United MileagePlus® Awards: Earn up to 1,000 PQP United MileagePlus® Business: Earn up to 1,000 PQP UnitedSM Explorer Business: ...
Information for United Chase Cardmembers: Chase is not responsible for the provision of, or failure to provide, the 2025 MileagePlus program year stated benefits and services. PQP earned on eligible credit card spend will be awarded within 6 weeks of meeting the spend qualifications. ...
Information for United Chase Cardmembers: Chase is not responsible for the provision of, or failure to provide, the 2025 MileagePlus program year stated benefits and services. PQP earned on eligible credit card spend will be awarded within 6 weeks of meeting the spend qualifications. All eligible...
Premier 1K:54 PQF and 18,000 PQP or 24,000 PQP United MileagePlus transfer partners If you want to use your MileagePlus miles to book travel on partner airlines or stay overnight at participating hotels, you have options. United MileagePlus airline partners ...
There are a few ways to earn Premier status in MileagePlus: Earn a minimum number of Premier Qualifying Points (PQP) on United or partner airlines Reach the threshold of Premier Qualifying Flights (PQF) and PQPs Spend with a United Explorer or United Club card Reciprocal elite status through...
Now through June 2022, targeted United members can earn bonus PQP on their credit card spending. If you've been targeted, you should have received an email. To register, go to the promotion page and enter the last 4 digits of your credit card and United MileagePlus number, and see what...
United Airlines 新增了一項令人期待的新功能:里程全家桶!MileagePlus 用戶可以建立 Miles Pool,並邀請其他人加入,Pool 中的成員可以分享自己的里程用於兌換里程票。 UA Miles Pool UA 全家桶主要有以下條款: 發起人 pool leader 可以 create a pool 然後邀請 member,邀請的時候可以選擇是否 permit member to redeem...
转卡选项:可转为无年费的 UA MileagePlus 卡 UA 福利 UA 机上购物 25% 折扣 UA 和星盟休息室:持卡直接赠送 United Club Membership( 官网价格 $650),可无限次进入 UA 和部分星盟成员休息室 免费托运两件行李:UA 自家航班执飞的可以免费托运两件行李,一位同行者也能获得免费...
United Express to be eligible for Premier status. First Hawaiian Bank is not responsible for the provision of, or failure to provide, the MileagePlus program year stated benefits and services. PQP earned on eligible credit card spend will be awarded within 6 weeks of meeting the spend ...
The changes being made to the PQP caps on thecard_nameand thecard_nameare good to see, but will realy only benefit a small percentage of MileagePlus members (cardholders earn just 500 PQP for every $12,000 they spend so the increased caps will only benefit truly big spenders). ...