登入到您的前程萬里飛行計劃 (MileagePlus) 帳戶 立即加入 前程萬里飛行計劃會籍 了解前程萬里飛行計劃的基本內容賺取里數並使用里數支付寄艙行李費用、無線網絡 (Wi-Fi) 和機上小食等費用。您甚至可以用里數兌換獎勵機票。 賺取里數 使用里數 購買或轉移里數 ...
預訂 我的旅程 旅遊資訊 前程萬里飛行計劃 (MileagePlus) 促銷 協助 繁體中文 - TW TW $ 登入 1 Step 1關於我 2 Step 2 unavailable地址 3 Step 3 unavailable安全 建立帳戶 開始您的前程萬里飛行計劃 (MileagePlus®) 冒險。我們的顧客獎勵計劃免費加入,並且您賺取的里數永遠不會過期。我們為您的旅遊和定期...
作为前程万里(MileagePlus®)的会员,您可通过日常活动赚取奖励里程,用于您的旅行、体验、餐饮等等。专享礼遇 使用您的积分预订机票 获得美国联合航空航班服务升级 享受MileagePlus 提供的专享优惠 使用积分 将您的奖励积分兑换 MileagePlus 里程 将您的奖励积分转换为 MileagePlus 里程,为您的下次假期购买机票。 转换...
If United approves your application – which can happen anywhere from overnight to within three weeks – your MileagePlus account will be automatically upgraded to reflect your new tier, which also marks the start of your 120-day trial period to lock in that status for longer. Savvy travellers...
针对前程万里 (MileagePlus?) 贵宾 (Premium?) 会员的托运行李服务费例外情况 *对于所有美联航经济舱 (United Economy?) 机票,如果贵宾 (Premier?) 金卡会员在美国、加拿大、波多黎各和美属维京群岛之间进行旅行,那么可以免费携带两件托运行李,每件的重量不可超过 70 磅(32 公斤)。对于往返特定国际市场之间的旅行...
United hasmore than 40 airline partnersoffering worldwide travel options. United is a Star Alliance member, meaning that if your preferred airline is United, you can take flights on partner airlines and then credit the miles you earn to your MileagePlus account. ...
Transfer MileagePlus miles intoMarriott Bonvoypoints Convert up to 100,000 miles intoMarriott Bonvoypoints each calendar year at a 1-to-1 ratio. This benefit is only available for MileagePlus Premier members. Premier members: Convert miles into points ...
We’re always updating the MileagePlus® program to help you get the most from your miles. Some of the most recent changes we’ve made or features we’ve announced are detailed here.
United hasmore than 40 airline partnersoffering worldwide travel options. United is a Star Alliance member, meaning that if your preferred airline is United, you can take flights on partner airlines and then credit the miles you earn to your MileagePlus account. ...
美联航的常旅客会员计划-前程万里(MileagePlus)会员在2024年3月31日之前购买里程,奖励100%,并且最多可以购买20万英里。 也就是说,我们可以购买10万英里,美联航赠送10万英里,共计20万英里,花费3762.5美元,折合每英里1.90美分。 使用美联航的里程购买头等舱,价格是真的香,经常出差的朋友一定要在赠送100%活动的时候...