Stewart and guests present a video digest of things to know that are happening at the church at the local and regional levels and beyond. Click here to see the the most recent episode as well as past episodes.CFUMC IS BEST OF FORSYTH Cumming First United Methodist Church has been ...
Welcome to Evansburg United Methodist Church!Our mission is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.Go to our Facebook page to see the latest news and videos. Click the FB icon at the top of this page.
Recent News: Our New Pastor Has Arrived Announcements Jul 13, 2022 View All Posts Get to Know Us Committed to loving God and serving community The congregation is full of people of different ages from many backgrounds – all with diverse life experiences. We invite you to come as you are!
In 2019, The Chatham UMC Church Council unanimously adopted a Statement of Welcome. We continue to believe in the gracious, inclusive, and unquestionable love of God for all people and all of creation. We wholeheartedly support the following Statement of Welcome, as our humble attempt to reflect...
an amendment to the United Methodist Church's constitution. To become official, however, it will require approval by two-thirds of its annual conferences, or local governing bodies.If ratified, one effect of the change is that it could allow for the American church — where support has been ...
In recent years, we have supported various global outreach projects and partnered with other United Methodist Churches within Japan, Nepal, Vietnam, Uganda, Brazil, and Congo. PLAN YOUR VISIT Whether you’re just visiting our island or looking for a new church to call home, we’d love to ...
In recent years, we have supported various global outreach projects and partnered with other United Methodist Churches within Japan, Nepal, Vietnam, Uganda, Brazil, and Congo. PLAN YOUR VISIT Whether you’re just visiting our island or looking for a new church to call home, we’d love to ...
The Rev. Tom Lambrecht, vice president and general manager of Good News Magazine, a theologically conservative advocacy group, said the votes were expected. “It indicates a consensus in the United Methodist Church that it wants to go in a much more liberal pathway,” said Lambrecht, who previ...
Help Wanted: Part-time Church Secretary 25 Hours Per Week Qualifications include: computer skills, people skills, and communication skills. Please email a resume Recent Fun Events, including: Piedras Blancas Elephant Seals Field Trip, Bingo and Pizza, Christmas Extravaganza, Chri...
My anchor Bible verse is John 10:10, which says that Christ came that we might have abundant lives. If you are looking for that abundant life that Christ promised, welcome to our community. We are glad you are here! Recent News