Long Name:United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Abbreviations:UK, GBR Capital:London Time Zones:1 (Main Country) Total Time Zones:9 (with dependencies) Dial Code:+44 Time Zone in United Kingdom 23時50分 Belfast GMT UTC +0 ...
但是从1896年第一届奥运会开始,国际奥组委就用GBR(G指Great, BR指Britain)指代英国队,因此从品牌传播的角度,英奥组委的人认为Team GB更合适。如果真的要涵盖全部,那舌头要打结了。 (Team Great Britain, Northern Ireland, Isle of Man, Channel Islands and UK Overseas Territories doesn't roll easily off ...
Long Name:United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Abbreviations:UK, GBR Capital:London Time Zones:1 (Main Country) Total Time Zones:9 (with dependencies) Dial Code:+44 Time Zone Currently Being Used in United Kingdom OffsetTime Zone Abbreviation & NameExample CityCurrent Time ...
a kingdom in NW Europe, consisting of Great Britain and Northern Ireland: formerly comprising Great Britain and Ireland 1801–1922. 59,113,439; 94,242 sq. mi. (244,086 sq. km).Cap.:London.Abbr.:U.K.Official name,Unit′ed King′dom of Great` Brit′ain and North′ern Ire′land. ...
The United Kingdom of Great Britain ___three main parts, England, Scotland and Wales. A .is made of B .makes up C .consists of D .is consisted of 相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 C 试题分析:本题考查动词词组。句意:联合王国由三个主要部分组成,英格兰,苏格兰和威尔士。be made up of=consist ...
考点:短语辨析 点评:consist of由…组成;该短语没有被动语态,没有进行时。相当于be made up of。 分析总结。 联合王国由三个主要部分组成英格兰苏格兰和威尔士结果一 题目 27. The United Kingdom of Great Britain ___ three main parts,England, Scotland and Wales A. is made up of B. makes up C. ...
the UK = the United Kingdom = The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Great Britain Great Britain=大不列颠(岛)(包括英格兰、苏格兰及威尔士) England 就是英格兰,英国本土中面积最大、人口最多的行政区域。 英格兰位于英国的南部...
1 Uk、English、England、Britain都是指英国,为什么有这么多?英国的英文名称是 The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,包括England/Welsh/Scotland/Northern Ireland, 那也就是说England和Scotland是平等级的,我想了解下,为什么平时提到最多的是England和Britain,有什么原因吗? 2Uk、English、Englan...
英国的全称为:大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国(The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland),由靠近欧洲大陆西北部海岸的不列颠群岛的大部分岛所组成,她隔北海、多佛尔海峡和英吉利海峡同欧洲大陆相望,是一个岛国.她的总面积为244100平方公里.由不同部落融合的四个民族,即英格兰人、威尔士人、苏格兰人、...
(2)英国本国,全称应该是叫“大不列颠联合王国”(UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN),是一个主要由英伦三岛(英… wenwen.soso.com|基于102个网页 2. 北爱尔兰联合王国 ...梅伦 国籍(Nationality):大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国(United Kingdom of Great Britain) 出生... ...