"United India Insurance Company Limited was established on 18th February 1938. In 1972 the General Insurance Business in India was nationalized. 12 Indian Insurance Companies, 4 Cooperative Insurance Societies, and Indian operations of 5 Foreign Insurers, besides General Insurance operations of the south...
简介:UNITED INDIA INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED,成立于1984年,位于香港特别行政区。 评分- 负责人 - 注册资本 - 成立日期 1984-08-31 - - - ROOM 1301 TAK SHING HOUSE 20 DES VOEUX ROAD, CENTRAL HONG KONG天眼风险 暂无最新风险信息 自身风险0 暂无自身风险 周边风险0 暂无周边风险 历史风险0 暂无历史风险...
In the event of their resigning from the Company before the expiry of the bond period, they will be liable to pay liquidated damages equivalentto one year’s gross salary paidto them during the year of probation which could be proportionately reduced depending upon the length of service rendere...
Insurance is an investment. Its basic purpose is to derive plans to counteract the financial consequences of unfavorable events. Insurance is a social device for eliminating or reducing the cost to society to certain types of risks.Cynthia, H. Christy...
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Your personal data may be transferred outside of Hong Kong and/or to a Legal & General group company for the reasons set out in this section. INDIA In the “Terms and Conditions” section: The words “Before accessing or using the Site or availing any Services, you represent that you ar...
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Washington State: Insurance company affiliate qualifies for insurance business B&O tax exemption (Supreme Court decision) Affiliate qualifies for exemption on income earned from providing services to insurance company December 17, 2024 News Notice 2025-2: Penalty relief for partnerships to provide compl...
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