Benefits built with you in mind UnitedHealthcare delivers what's most important to you. See how we work to help support you when you need care. Options PPO Health Plan With theOptions PPO Health Plan, you can use any doctor, clinic, hospital or health care facility in our national network...
Download enrollment materials, enrollment change forms, product brochures and detailed benefit summaries below. If you would like supplies mailed to you, please email or phone 630-238-1900.
Find helpful tips and information on plan benefits and coverage, whether you already have a plan or you’re looking for something new.
UnitedHealthcare Community Plan can help you find a Medicaid or Medicare plan that best fits your needs. Find benefits, eligibility & detailed plan information.
If you have a UnitedHealthcare vision plan, here are six ways to make the most of your vision plan benefits. 6 steps to get the most out of your UnitedHealthcare vision insurance 1. Start using your vision benefits right away Your employer may offer group vision insurance that’s part of...
Members can choose a primary care doctor from our network. Plus get access to a 24/7 nurse advice hotline, health education materials and extras that other plans don't offer. View the benefits below to see all that it offers. More information on eligibility and enrollment can be found on...
UnitedHealthcare Community Plan can help you find a Medicaid or Medicare plan that best fits your needs. Find benefits, eligibility & detailed plan information.
Easy access to plan information anytime anywhere. Get the most out of your coverage. Returning Member? New Member? Download our app Manage your health quickly and securely with the app. Scan the QR code to download. Find a doctor Find a doctor, medical specialist, mental health care provider...
Plan specifics and benefits vary by coverage area and by plan category. Please review plan details to learn more. UnitedHealthcare Individual & Family plans medical plan coverage offered by: UnitedHealthcare of Arizona, Inc.; Rocky Mountain Health Maintenance Organization Incorporated in CO; United...
More information about UnitedHealthcare Community Plan of Minnesota will be available in the coming months. Please check back regularly for updates and news. Reminder of upcoming key dates: Annual Health Plan Selection Period: ends 12/7/22 2023 Enrollment - Your plan benefits will start on: 1/...