Each United credit card provides plenty of travel perks to choose from. Learn more about all the rewards and benefits the United credit card has to offer.
to you and just one other person on your reservation, which might be an issue if your business has you traveling in groups. Other airlines' cards offer a broader benefit. Unlike several consumer United cards, this card doesn't reimburse the application fee for TSA PreCheck or Global Entry....
The UBS Visa Signature credit card, UBS Visa Infinite credit card and UBS Visa debit card give you exclusive benefits, rewards and personalized service.
checked bag free, a savings of up to $160. To receive this benefit, the primary Cardmember must include their MileagePlus number in their reservation and use their United Explorer Card to purchase their ticket(s). Keep in mind that service charges may apply for oversized and overweight bags...
The card has a $100 annual United travel credit after seven United flight purchases of $100 or more. It’s yet another benefit that alone pays for the annual fee. The card also gives 25% back on United in-flight purchases, including Wi-Fi, food and beverages. » MORE: Best business...
While the checked bag benefits are nearly equal for a family of four, a large party traveling together could benefit more from the Delta card. To get the most value from this card, you would have to be a regular Delta Air Lines flyer with a plan to spend at least $50,000 each year...
Airport lounge access: Every year, you'll receive two one-time United Club℠ lounge passes (worth $59 each). It's rare for a mid-tier airline card to offer a benefit like this. Trusted traveler program credit: You'll receive up to $120 in application fee credit for Global Entry, NE...
To qualify, you must purchase tickets using your card and be one of the people traveling on the flight. It’s usually $25 per checked bag on United. So, if you’re traveling with 2 people and on 2 flights in one itinerary, the value of this benefit is estimated to be up to $100...
Please view the Guide to Benefits (mycardgtb.com/reserverewardsvs) for further card benefit details including full terms and conditions. 5 Certain terms, conditions and exclusions apply. You must complete either the Global Entry® and/or TSA PreCheck® application(s) and pay the application ...
Effective 11/8/2024, an Amex Card must be selected as the payment method for your Uber or Uber Eats transaction to redeem the Amex Uber Cash benefit. $199 CLEAR® Plus Credit: CLEAR® Plus helps to get you to your gate faster at 50+ airports nationwide and get up to $199 back ...