“Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow.” This verse emphasizes the responsibility of God’s people to act justly and care for the vulnerable in society. (Isaiah 1:17).https://www.uccpchurch.com/wp-...
We volunteer time at Freedom Park, Feed My Starving Children, andBuilding an all-Inclusive Community. We donate funds to Mercy Corps, Prescott Food Pantry, the United Church of Christ's four annual special funds. Community groups meet weekly in our building: the Boy Scouts, two AA groups, a...
We seek to learn, practice, and grow in the gospel of Jesus Christ. We invite all to join us in fellowship, devotion, and inspiration. Join Us in Worship! You are welcome here!Join us each Sunday at 9:00 am for in-person worship. Communion is served the first Sunday of each month....
Welcome to Zion Evangelical Luther United Church of Christ! Since 1865 we have been serving GOD and the community of Essex in Baltimore County Maryland.
Our Commitments As a Creation Justice and Earth Care congregation, we actively work to protect and restore God's creation. We are proud to be a Sanctuary Church, providing refuge and support to immigrants and refugees. Through these commitments, we strive to embody Christ's love in tangible wa...
No matter who you are, no matter where you are on life's journey, you're welcome here! Trinity United Church of Christ is a community of Christian people on the journey of faith. We celebrate and extend the love of God as shown to us in the life of Jesus Christ. We welcome all wh...
We are happy to announce that the RCC is now officially registered as an environmentally sustainable business in NJ! We are the ninth in the Read More » August 29, 2024 HOLIDAY FUNDRAISER! Donate Today Your donations to our church are tax-deductible and help fund our church and community ...
United Church of Christ Welcome to the North Yarmouth Congregational Church! Share this: Facebook X Where To Find Us 3 Gray Road, North Yarmouth ME 04097 On the corner of routes 115 and 231 (207) 829-3644 Worship Service: 9:30am on Sundays In person and live streamed on YouTube at ...
One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS) 2025 Special Offering$0.00 T-Shirt - Synod 35$22.00 Grow Your Church: The Board Game$75.00 2025 UCC Desk Calendar and Plan Book$20.00 Wellness Ministries | Handbook for Visitationfrom $8.00$40.00 United Church of Christ Baptism Certificates - Pack of 6$15.75...