Use your debit card to shop local, buy online and pay monthly bills. You don’t even need a checkbook or ATM. All you need is one little card that’s fast, easy and safe - and can be used with ApplePay®.
United Prairie Debit Cards can be used anywhere MasterCard is accepted!Our debit card can be used to get cash at ATM machines all over the country. United Prairie Bank is part of the MoneyPass ATM Network.You can make surcharge-free withdrawals anytime you use an ATM within the MoneyPass...
Every First United VISA Debit Card comes equipped with My Bank Rewards, powered by ScoreCard. Just swipe and earn points for the things you want most. Choose from merchandise, cash back, travel or even local merchant gift certificates! Save time with Instant Issue Debit Cards With our Instant...
Every First United VISA Check Card comes equipped with My Bank Rewards, powered by ScoreCard. Just swipe and earn points for the things you want most. Choose from merchandise, cash back, travel or even local merchant gift certificates! Save time with Instant Issue Debit Cards With our Instant...
First United National Bank or FUN Bank provides banking services to serve our neighbors. We help you make decisions large and small together at FUN Bank.
The UBS Visa Signature credit card, UBS Visa Infinite credit card and UBS Visa debit card give you exclusive benefits, rewards and personalized service.
UB Customer Service: 334-682-4155 Lost or Stolen Card: 1-888-297-3416 Fraud After hours contact: 1-800-237-8990 FDIC-Insured - Backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government United Bank Online Banking Forgot Password(Opens in a new Window)|Enroll(Opens in a new Window)...
Exceptional travel benefits, rich rewards and personalized service. The UBS Visa Infinite credit card; UBS Visa Signature credit card and UBS Visa debit card
The MasterCard® Debit/ATM card gives you easy access to your UCB accounts, as well as the ability to make purchases without having to write a check! You do not incur bank fees or service charges when using your card at any UCB operated ATM machine. ...
Launching the Debut of The United Bank’s Shares Trading .. Governor of The Central Bank of Egypt, Chairman of the Egyptian Exchange, and The United Bank top management inaugurated the Trading Session and “Ring-the-Bell” Ceremony Hassan Abdalla - Governor of The Central Bank of Egypt ...