A database of 102 prominent cities in United Arab Emirates. Includes a city's latitude, longitude, emirate and other variables of interest. MIT license. CSV, Excel and JSON formats. Comprehensive database available.
There are more than 54 United Arab Emirates Area Code Database in this website, including International Dialing Code, International Prefix, National Prefix, National Destination Code, Subscriber Number From, Subscriber Number To, National Destination Cod
Bring AI to your data with built-in AI Vector Search and in-database machine learning; eliminate the complexity and cost of integrating and managing multiple databases—and trying to maintain data consistency. Benefit from AI at-scale without sacrificing security, availability, and performance. Use...
Explore advanced database solutions, including high-performance Oracle Database, NoSQL, MySQL, and Autonomous Database options for robust data management.
This is a website about United Arab Emirates Business Directory, including more than 431,239 companies, providing Company Name、Address、Email、Website、Telephone、Fax etc.
Gravity and aeromagnetic data covering the whole territory of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) have been used to evaluate both shallow and deep geological structures, in particular the depth to basement since it is not imaged by seismic data anywhere within the UAE. Thus, the aim has been to ...
spatial datacrash investigation processThis study presents an approach to assess the effectiveness of road-crash databases in providing meaningful analysis. The assessment was done for the case of the database system in the United Arab Emirates. The assessment was based on feedback from two groups:...
Published: October 31, 2024Report Code: GDCN1493MR-ST Share United Arab Emirates (UAE) Construction Market Report Overview The United Arab Emirates (UAE) construction market size was $100.7 billion in 2023. The market is projected to achieve an AAGR of more than 3% during 2025-2028. The gro...
Dubai (United Arab Emirates) conferences, find and compare 5040 seminars, roundtables, meetings, summits to attend in Dubai - Reviews, Ratings, Timings, Entry Ticket Fees, Schedule, Calendar, Discussion Topics, Venue, Speakers, Agenda, Visitors Profile,
The United Arab Emirates (UAE) defense budget is worth $25 billion in 2024 and will grow at a CAGR of more than 4% during 2025-2029. The United Arab Emirates (UAE) defense market research report provides the market size forecast and the projected growth