使用美联航旅行积分预订新行程或为当前行程升舱。 变更您的旅行方式 使用美联航应用程序,我们为您提供帮助和支持 使用我们的应用程序,您可以: 预订新行程并更改当前行程 使用候机楼指南,更快地通行机场 购买零食、看电影和尊享更多礼遇 有用的链接 飞行须知 ...
You can buy an Economy Plus seat or upgrade their cabin during the booking process. If you’re traveling on a Basic Economy ticket, you can only buy an Economy Plus seat at check-in. Members You can change or upgrade at any point up to boarding, and sometimes on board. If no seat ...
亲的机票需满足以下条件才能Upgrade:UA经济舱(Y,B,M,E,H,U,Q,V,W)能够升级商务舱,经济舱K,T,S,L,G&N舱位都不能升舱 UA商务舱(J,C,D)升级头等舱,而Z和P舱位则不能升UA里程票AwardTicket均不能升舱如您还未订机票,可先告知您的行程信息,本人帮您查询所预定航班是否有可供GPU升级的商务舱座位,这样...
United 国际升舱券Global Premier Upgrades(1/31/2017过期)6张:¥3000/张 United 区域升舱券Regional Premier Upgrade(1/31/2017过期)4张:¥1000/张 需提供6位数的Confirmation Number和Last Name, 一个券只能用于一个单程,只能UA自家的航班 所有升舱券均在购买时需付50%作为定金,确认升舱之后付余款。如果确认...
ONTIME ARRIVALS 74.6% Percentage of arrivals within 14 minutes of scheduled arrival time. Updated every 15 minutes, 24 hours a day SFO LAX DEN IAH ORD IAD EWR Weather/ATC status alerts Refreshed every 15 mins 联系我们 Copyright © 2017 United Airlines,Inc. 保留所有权利。
Read more Your PlusPoints are getting an upgrade Posted: June 29, 2022 We’re extending the expiration date of your PlusPoints so you have more time to use them for an upgrade on United flights and select partner airlines. Read more
Here are answers to some common questions travelers have about modifyingUnited Airlines reservations Can I switch from economy to first class when changing a flight? When rebooking, you can upgrade to a premium cabin or downgrade to the basic economy. You just pay the fare difference in addition...
Premium cabin ticket Traveling in a premium cabin with United (or with certain partner airlines and routes) may give you access to United Club lounges. If eligible, you'll be able to access the lounges at departure, arrival or connecting locations unless otherwise noted. To get into a Club...
Upgrade purchase during booking or check-in Up to $9,999 per flight per person Upgrade award co-pay Up to $600 per flight per person Wi-Fi subscription Monthly subscription per person: From $49 to $69 Annual subscription per person: From $539 to $689...
Some first-class perks, such as access to exclusive meals or priority boarding, may require a first-class ticket and elite frequent-flier status. Be sure to check the fine print when booking to understand any additional requirements or benefits. ...