MileagePlus is the award-winning loyalty program of United Airlines. Join MileagePlus to earn miles you can redeem for flights, upgrades and more.
前程万里 (MileagePlus) 计划 交易 预订 航班状态 办理登机手续 我的旅行 航班酒店汽车 往返 单程 使用里程预订 灵活日期 从* 至* 日期* 4月 25 - 4月 27 Change date, from 4月 25 to 4月 27 1 名成人 旅客 经济舱高级经济舱商务舱或头等舱 ...
MileagePlus is the award-winning loyalty program of United Airlines. Join MileagePlus to earn miles you can redeem for flights, upgrades and more.
里程促销链接: 里程使用教程 和阿拉斯加航空以及美国航空一样,通过美联航里程兑换的里程票所需里程数是按照起始地和目的地的区域来计算的,美联航将全球分为北美、拉美以及加勒比、欧洲中东、非洲和太平洋五个大区,而每个大区里面又分为了若干个小区。...
United Airlines 新增了一項令人期待的新功能:里程全家桶!MileagePlus 用戶可以建立 Miles Pool,並邀請其他人加入,Pool 中的成員可以分享自己的里程用於兌換里程票。 UA Miles Pool UA 全家桶主要有以下條款: 發起人 pool leader 可以 create a pool 然後邀請 member,邀請的時候可以選擇是否 permit member to redeem...
United Airlines has announced it will allow groups up to five people on a MileagePlus account to share and redeem miles.
500 miles per rental for all other MileagePlus members Award miles will be earned based upon member’s MileagePlus status or card membership at the time of rental car return, not at the time of booking or pickup. Methods of eligibility for earning miles cannot be combined. In the case of...
Welcome bonus Earn 75,000 United MileagePlus Miles Terms apply. Information about the United Club℠ Business Card has been collected independently by CNBC Select and has not been reviewed or provided by the issuer of the card prior to publication. Our expert take Pros & Cons More Details Th...
一言以蔽之,UA MileagePlus 以临飞 21 天为分界,对伙伴航司路线里程票所需里程进行了一定程度的上浮(“贬值”),不同舱位的里程票都有上浮。具体上浮多少不一定,不是按照固定比例来的。请注意是如果是 UA + 伙伴航司执飞的路线,也需要上浮,但不同舱位要增加多少不一定。纯 UA 执飞的路线也需要上浮,基本是...
【参考译文】预订基础经济舱的乘客不能使用某些MileagePlus和Premier会员福利,例如免费升级。[79] 5. 奖励计划 | Reward programs 5.1 常旅客计划 | Frequent flyer programs MileagePlus is the frequent flyer program for United Airlines.[80] Published MileagePlus Premier tiers are Premier Silver, Premier Gold...