Below, you can find details about United Airlines flight UA2278, which currently operates between the airports of Chicago - Chicago O'Hare International Airport (Airport Code ORD) and Seattle - Seattle-Tacoma International Airport (Airport Code SEA).This flight data pertains specifically to the ...
N37267 / N37267 (United Airlines) - Aircraft info, flight history, flight schedule and flight playback
Flight UA1492 is code-shared by 2 airlines using the flight numbers NZ2211, TK9575 Other flights departing from Chicago ORD: UA5358, UA1577, AA4133, UA2657 Other flights arriving at Columbus CMH: AA2900, MX208, DL2892, WN1279 All flights connecting Chicago ORD to Columbus CMH.UA...
4 小时 48 分钟以前降落 SZX深圳 CN BLRBangalore, India 起飞Shenzhen Bao'an Int'l -SZX 降落Bengaluru Int'l -BLR 2025年 02月 04日 (星期二)05:45 CST (准点) 2025年 02月 04日 (星期二)08:07 IST (晚点14分钟) 总飞行时间4小时52分 ...
N76502 / N76502 (United Airlines) - Aircraft info, flight history, flight schedule and flight playback