When was the latest KN5878 flight? The latest flight took off on Friday, December 20th, 2024 with the flight status beingScheduled on 23:25. How else can the flight KN5878 be referenced as? This China United Airlines flight can also be referenced as CUA5878, KN 5878, CUA 5878. ...
Flight time: 20h 40m. Guangyuan - SeaTac, Seattle (Tacoma). Spring Airlines, Delta, Air China, EVA Air, China Southern Airlines, China Airlines, Uni Air. 9C6446, DL280, CA1774, BR757, BR26, CZ6234, CI528, CI22, B7188.
航班時間為20小時25分鐘。機場:廣元到沙加。Spring Airlines, 卡達航空, 中國國際航空, 中國南方航空, SereneAir, Air Arabia。9C6446, QR871, QR1038, CA4378, CZ8069, ER703, G9136, QR1036, CA1774, QR891