Any bags in addition to your carry-on and personal item, or carry-on bags over the size limit, will need to be checked. If you do have to check bags you may have to pay a fee. View bag fees Traveler pro tips You can bring a few items in addition to your carry-on bag and pers...
Carry-On Allowance9 / 10 Checked Bag Allowance7 / 10 Excess Baggage Fees6 / 10 Overall Grade7.3 / 10 Most United Airlines passengers are permitted to check one carry-on bag and one personal item free of charge. This does not apply to United's new "Basic Economy" price, where customers...
You can travel with one personal item, like a shoulder bag, backpack, or laptop bag that fits under the seat in front of you. Carry-on bag Carry-on bags arenot includedunless you're flying to Canada, South America, across the Atlantic or on an international flight across the Pacific. ...
United Airlines Carry-On Allowance 1 personal item: FREE 1 standard carry-on bag: FREE (including basic economy transatlantic flights but excluding all other routes for basic economy) UnitedAirlines Checked Allowance Maximum weight: 50 pounds (23 kilograms) for all economy and premium plus fares an...
United Airlines Baggage Policy – Fee & Allowance. United Carry-On, Checked Baggage, Overweight and Oversize bags, Sports equipment. Economy, Premium, Business, First baggage restriction.
Carry-on bags are not included unless you're flying internationally Dimensions of carry-on items allowed with the basic economy fare: Personal Item Carry-on bag Dimensions 9x10x17 inches 9x14x22 inches United's Basic Economy fare is known for its strict rules. When traveling with th...
Southwest allows customers to board the aircraft with either a pet carrier and a personal item, or a pet carrier and a regular size carryon bag. A passenger cannot fly with all three. JetBlue Airways The New York-based low-cost airline offers a free program called “JetPaws” ...
Carry-on luggage is not allowed; however, passengers may bring a smaller personal item that can be placed under the seat in front of them. 【参考译文】基础经济舱在特定航线上提供。作为联合航空最低票价的选项,基础经济舱票价提供的机上服务和便利设施与标准经济舱大致相同。[78] 选择基础经济舱的乘客...
United Airlines (UA) allows 1 carry-on bag and 1 personal item (purse, briefcase, laptop bag) per passenger fee free. Carry-on should not exceed the following size and weight restrictions: 45 linear inches (22 x 14 x 9 in) or 115 centimeters (56 x 36 x 23 cm) including handles and...
2. United Airlines carry-on baggage fees Most flights allow passengers to bring on board a personal item and a carry-on bag. The personal item must fit under the seat in front of you, and the dimensions must not exceed 9 inches x 10 inches x 17 inches. The carry-on bag needs to fi...