Any bags in addition to your carry-on and personal item, or carry-on bags over the size limit, will need to be checked. If you do have to check bags you may have to pay a fee. View bag fees Traveler pro tips You can bring a few items in addition to your carry-on bag and pers...
It’s always wise to check the carry-on luggage policies of an airline before you fly, if only to avoid having to check your carry-on at the departure gate. United Airlines' carry-on policy doesn’t differ significantly from other airlines, but it does have rules you should be aware of...
United Airlines Baggage Report Card Carry-On Allowance9 / 10 Checked Bag Allowance7 / 10 Excess Baggage Fees6 / 10 Overall Grade7.3 / 10 Most United Airlines passengers are permitted to check one carry-on bag and one personal item free of charge. This does not apply to United's new "Bas...
As part of United Airlines' carry on allowance, domesticatedcats andare permitted to travel in the cabin on most flights within the US. A pet must be transported in a carrier and can be carried in addition to a carry-on bag. The cost is$125, one way. The maximum dimensions for hard-...
The United Airlines (UA) baggage policy for regular Economy Class fares include the following: Carry-on baggage. 1 personal item - Fee free 1 carry-on item - Fee free Checked baggage / Hold luggage - Applicable fees apply Overweight and Oversize bags - Applicable fees per bag depending on ...
Please note that the carry-on baggage instructions vary between airlines. If your trip includes flights operated by other airlines, it is good to check their baggage regulations. Carry-on baggage allowance Ticket typeCarry-on bag (55cm x 40cm x 23cm)Small bag (40cm x 30cm x 15cm)Maximum...
You can learn more about United Airlines baggage policies by contacting customer servicehere, and below is an outline of the baggage policies. Carry-On Luggage United Airlines allows passengers to bring on one carry-on bag and one personal item for free with some restrictions. Carry-on restrictio...
FOX Business takes a look at the pet policies of some of America’s major air carriers. United Airlines A United Airlines plane with the Continental Airlines logo on its tail, taxis to the runway at O'Hare International airport in Chicago October 1, 2010. REUTERS/Frank Polich ...
In order to prepare for a smooth travel experience, it is a good idea to review their carry on policies so there are no surprises or delays when the time comes. United Carry-On Suitcase Limits Please refer to the following table forcarrry-on baggage size requirements. ...
If you’re traveling with expensive items, items that can break, or food that can go bad, we recommend you bring them in your carry-on bag or as your personal item whenever possible. These items do count toward your carry-on or checked bag allowance and may be subject to fees. Use th...