747 Headquarters USAISC 749 DoD Network Information Center 763 IBM 773 Parsons Corporation 780 Renater 784 Henry M. Jackson Foundation for The Advancement of Military Medicine 792 Oracle Corporation 793 Oracle-Asnblock-Asn 795 AT&T Services Inc. 797 AT&T Services Inc. 800 Oneweb 803 Saskatchewan Te...
https://news.yahoo.com/cuba-medical-mystery-deepens-state-department-turns-new-scientific-panel-answers-182912582.html Diplomats file $28M suit against Canada over injuries suffered in Cuba And in other countries as well. These ARE targeted individuals.!!! Google, Pentagon ...
tel: (660) 747-7548 info: (210) 365-8933 e-mail: lbetzdfp@yahoo.com website: www.docfilmproject.homestead.com/ contact: Lucila V. Betz, Founding Director deadline: TBA theme: documentaries only categories: exp, flf, doc, shorts competitiveDOCU...