Transportation of Passengers and Baggage provided by United Airlines, Inc. and Carriers doing business as United Express, are subject to the following terms and conditions, in addition to any terms and conditions printed on or in any ticket, ticket jacket or eticket receipt. To the extent there...
President Biden recently called on airlines to do away with extra seating charges in his State of The Union Speech. Feb 28, 2023 Woman tracks lost luggage on an "adventure" around D.C. United Airlines told Valerie Szybala her lost suitcase would be delivered. Then she watched as the...
Couple of early observations: no clue why Azul uses such odd flight numbers. Most airlines use lower numbers for premium/international routes, but Azul seems to use very high flight numbers. No clue why. Also, there are only four really “good” seats in each cabin, as they’re the ones...
myself. For a reason that I suspect has to do with both United Airlines buttressing its limp hub status at LAX, and the Private Suite sensing a synergetic opportunity,United and the Private Suite launched a partnership in May, essentially giving United passengers the opportunity of buying into ...
We arrived on time at LA and after a hassle free processing through the various barriers I caught the shuttle to my very cheap internet-acquired flight with South West Airlines to Phoenix. It was upon boarding this aged 737 that I thought I had gone to the wrong country. The boarding ...