地址:Carrington Rd, Mt Albert,Private Bag 92025,Auckland Mail Centre,Auckland 1142,New Zealand 院校官网 排名情况 2013年4月11日,新西兰高等教育委员会公布了一项基于大学职员科研业绩的“2012 Quality Evaluation”排名,惠灵顿维多利亚大学位列第一,奥克兰大学紧随其后。第三至第九名依次为:奥塔哥、坎特伯雷、怀卡托...
Unitec is New Zealand's largest, top ranking Institute of Technology, with more than 18,000 students from around 80 countries. We are located in the heart of Auckland, one of the world’s most livable cities. Here at Unitec we know that today’s employers want people who are doers just...