WASHINGTON, June 20 (Xinhua) -- Hundreds of people are expected here for a demonstration this summer on the one-year anniversary of the deadly "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville in the U.S. state of Virginia. The National Park Service approved an application for the August rally, b...
左公柳UnitetheRight 一个左翼的节目,左翼的主持,想尽办法来黑懂王,这样就越显的可笑。还是好好反省自身左翼为啥不受待见吧。最后送上两句托马斯索维尔的话吧。1尽管媒体和学术界都虔诚地谈论‘宽容’,但在我们的大多数学院和大学里,对那些挑战政治正确教条的人,则毫无宽容可言。”2随着年龄的增长,有件事让人哭笑...
左公柳UnitetheRight的评论 中华帝国的衰落(完结)/(美)魏斐得著;梅静译 18.9万 下载订阅分享 作者魏斐德(Frederic Wakeman),美国杰出的中国研究专家、历史学家、社会活动家,被誉为美国“汉学三杰”之一。本书是美国多所大学采用的中国近代史教科书,有别于传统通史的编年体叙述,本书从传统社会主要结构的农民、士绅、...
Melissa Blair, who was pushed out of the way as Fields’ car slammed into the crowd, described the horror of seeing her fiancé bleeding on the sidewalk and later learning that her friend Heyer had been killed. RELATED: Civil trial underway for Charlottesville 'Unite ...
White nationalists carry torches on the grounds of the University of Virginia, on the eve of a planned Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, August 11, 2017.Alejandro Alvarez/News2Share via REUTERS Among the plaintiffs is UVA student Natalie Romero, who woke up in the hospital ...
Jury selection and opening statements took place Oct. 25 through Oct. 29, plaintiffs called their first witness to the stand on Friday free speech Thetrialof the Unite the Right rally organizers began the morning of Oct. 25 at 9:30 a.m. Plaintiffs in the trial...
Charlie Hebdo Publishes Cover Claiming God Sent Hurricane Harvey to Kill Neo-Nazis By John Bonazzo Conservative Site The Rebel Media Loses Domain Provider After Charlottesville By John Bonazzo OkCupid Bans White Supremacist Who Organized Charlottesville Rally ...
Epperly, Sara LourdesScribner, Jay ParedesSanzo, Karen L.Education Leadership Review
Marchers in this weekend's Unite the Right 2 white nationalist rally may have a harder time getting a ride or a room. Uber, Lyft and Airbnb are allowing drivers and hosts to deny service to potential customers who participate in the rally in Washington, D.C. ...
Are the leaders of the infamous “Unite the Right” rally held in Charlottesville, VA on August 12 “white supremacists” or something else? Heather Heyer was brutally killed and many others wounded when a car being driven by James Alex Fields, Jr., a Hitler-loving 20-year-old diagnosed sc...