Convert Speed units, such as Mile/hour, Kilometer/hour, Foot/second, Meter/second, Knot and more. Convert Temperature units, such as Celsius, Fahrenheit, Kelvin, Rankine and more. Convert Time units, such as Millisecond, Second, Minute, Hour, DAY, Week and more. Convert Time...
UnitConvert[quantity, targetunit] 尝试把指定的 quantity 转换为指定的 targetunit. UnitConvert[quantity, unitsystem] 尝试把指定的 quantity 转换为基本的 SI 基本单位.
Unit Converter supports more than 150 currencies. Powerful Editing Capabilities Unit Converter makes it easy to edit unit values in different ways. You can easily copy/past, change sign, clear value, and use scientific notation. Favourite Units ...
npm install unit-convert-fns Using the functions import{feetToMeter}from"unit-convert-fns";constfeet=8.56;constfixed=3;constmeter=feetToMeter(feet,3); List of functions feetToMeter meterToFeet cmToInches inchesToCm milesToKm kmToMiles
Choose the type of unit you would like to convert from the icons, then scroll to the two units you are looking for. That's it! Here is the full list of each currency and unit included in the measurement converter : - Weight: Ounces (Oz), Pounds (lbs), Metric tons, Kilograms (KG)...
UnitConvert,单位换算,单位转换 journalBom.InventConsump =decround( UnitConvert::qty(journalBOM.BOMConsump, journalBOM.BOMUnitId, InventTable::find(journalBOM.ItemId).inventUnitId(), journalBOM.ItemId ), InventTable::inventDecimals( journalBOM.ItemId));...
This app has intuitive and simple UI, that is designed for casual user like you. Trust me. :) I've sorted essential unit sets for your daily life into 4 categories. - Basic : length (distance), area, weight (mass), volume (capacity), temperature ...
Convert Measurement Units / Unit-Converter Unit conversionis anything but trivial: Millimeter, centimeter, decimeter, meter, kilometer, miles, nautical miles, foot, yard, inch, cubit, parsecs and light years. With all thesemeasurementsdistances can be calculated. And this is not even close to all...
unitConvert(expr,unitSystem,'Derived')converts units to derived units ofunitSystem. ___= unitConvert(___,'Temperature',convMode)indicates whether temperatures represent absolute temperatures or temperature differences by specifying'absolute'or'difference'respectively, using input arguments in the previous...
OnlineUnitConversion enables you to quickly convert thousands of units of measurement in seconds. This unit converter works with most units of measurement, metric and imperial. Unit conversion is simple & includes basic metric conversions and imperial co