Q)Nowadays,oneofthecommonphenomenaistoseeordinary peoplelisteningtomusicwithheadphones,� (absorb)themselvesintheirownworld. @Thesurroundingsmalltownshavebeenabsorbedintothe city. ®Plantsabsorbcarbondioxidefromtheairandmoisture fromthesoil. @)Sheseemedtotally�(absorb)inherbook. ...
Ku. 2016. "Development of Global Correlation Models between in Situ Stress-Normalized Shear Wave Velocity and Soil Unit Weight for Plastic Soils." Canadian Geotechnical Journal 53 (10): 1600- 1611. doi:10.1139/cgj-2016-0015.Danziger, F.A.B., and Jannuzzi, G.M.F. 2017. Discussion of "...
Thecountrywasslidingintoastateofvirtualcivilwar.这个国家实际上正逐渐进入内战状态。 Hearriedavirtualstranger.他娶了一位几乎素不相识的女子。 Theplayerscancopeteinavirtualworldofroleplaying. 玩家在一个虚拟世界中扮演角色互相拼杀。 virtualchoir虚拟合唱团 ...
汽车专业英语unit2.pdf,UNIT 2 AUTOMOTIVE ENGINE 2.1 Purpose and Locations of Engines The purpose of an automotive engine is to supply the power needed to move the vehicle. The engine produces this power by burning fuel inside it. Because the engine burns
targeting.Soilsampling,anexampleofprecisionfarminginitsmostfundamental form,providesanaccuratemeansforfarmerstotendtheircrops.Fieldsensorscheck thesoilsmoisture,nutrientlevelsandpHlevels,10.___(enable)farmersto 1 monitortheircropsatanytime,fromanywhere.Asthedatalibrarybuilds11.___, abigpictureofthe...
47、ademicEssay1 Definition1 Definition2 The speaker has similar opinion as the writer of Text 15. They have positive attitude towards GM food as it can increase crop yield and solve the problems of starvation and soil. But the writer of Text 16 is very cautious about GM food, whose experi...
Therearetwomain42togrowrice.Mostricegrowsinwetsoil.Peopleinmanycountriesdoalloftheworof growingrice43hand.Thisisthesamewayfarmersworedhundredsofyearsago.Insomecountries,peoplenow44 machinesontheirricefarms.Peopleuseeverypartofthericeplant.Theymaericeoilfromit.They45maebasets, broomsandroofsfortheirhouses....
to ~ ones heart:to make one feel very sad plough n.a large piece of farm equipment used to dig into and turn over soil,esp.to prepare the soil for planting 犁 reap v.harvest, to cut and gather a crop such as rice orwheat收割 replace v.to take the place of替代 ripe v.变成熟 ...